So, I just wanted to test out this world and plot concept I had, and see how it pans out.
I'm just going to say right now. NO MARY SUE/GARY STU CHARACTERS! They can't all-talented. (Okay? Please?)
(This is based off a book I'm working on, so I might be occasionally pushing things in a certain direction.)
So here's the basic premise:
Earth was faced with another Ice Age. Humans could not look to the stars for asylum, so they created an underground habitat. A new city, New Haven, regulated by a effectively programed AI, created by lead scientist Juno Moar. Years later, things are different then when they first went down there.
Rumor has it that data has shown that the upper surface is habitable again. Yet no one has heard anything from the Reconnaissance team that was sent up to check conditions. And the officials in touch with the AI have been strangely quiet…
It is an option to RP a member of the Recon team, but they won't actively be in the story until later.
Also, I want to add that I might be some background characters so that the plot goes the right direction.
Another thing, the 'normal citizens' are aware of the AI's existence, but do not know the extent of it's control. As they understand it, all it does is regulate the environment.
(What do you think?)