forum Of Heroes and Villains (Spots open 0/4)
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Greetings fellow roleplayers! Last year I started a superhero/supervillian rp with my friend, A. I had so much fun with it that I decided to do a reboot (or sequel/prequel) of sorts! I have two characters available for anyone that wishes to use them in this rp. (NOTE: I'm not literally giving you the characters to use whenever, where ever.)

Anti-hero. Has the ability to paralyze people with a single touch. By biting his opponent(s), he can deliver a neurotoxin that will slowly kill. By piercing skin with his nails, he delivers an acidic venom. He can move his body at ease like a serpent, hence the name.

  • NOTE: He doesn't have a secret identity, nor a past, so make those up.

Detox (Selena Levine):
Anti-villain. She wants to be good, but evil is all that she knows. She can take the natural poisons from a person's body, and turn them against the owner.

  • NOTE: She has a backstory, and some personality things that I'll pm to whoever decides to use her.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I have a format that I like to use for my rps, that I ask that you use as well. I have provided this format below with examples.

  • Use [] for actions ex; [turns the radio up], italics for thoughts ex; I swear, if he doesn't shut up, I'm gonna kill him!
  • Use capital letters for either yelling or adding emphasis.
  • If you want to talk to one of the fellow rpers use (()) ex: ((I have to go for the night.))

Post example
Oliver: Ugh, he's SO annoying! [Takes a drink of his water, and looks over to the cause of his annoyance.] "Don't you EVER shut up?"

Annoying person: [Keeps talking.]

Oliver: "SHUT UP!"

((Dude, I think that I love your character!))

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Either fill out the following, or post a link to your character's profile if they have one.











NOTE: 'Role' refers to if the character is a hero, villain, anti-hero, anti-villain, neutral, civilian, etc.

REMINDER: I do have two characters available for use. Please notify me here if you wish to use one of them. (See 1st post.)

Deleted user

(Came here from your promotion on RP Announcements, BTW)
I have an anti-hero boi, may i join?

Deleted user

NAME: Adella Karani


AGE: 23

LOOKS: Adella had curly light brown hair with natural blonde highlights, it's cut at shoulder length and its curls are in no way controlled. Her skin is olive and her eyes are a light hazel with gold specks. She's not that tall and is often seen as a ball of energy.

CLOTHES: Her regular outfit is usually a sundress with a pleated skirt and a white sweater with embroidered bees on it.

ROLE: Villain

POWERS/ABILITIES (IF ANY): She can control sound, making anything with it, twisting it, anything.

OTHER: Nope!


Yay, thank-you so much! Is there anything else I should know about Serpent, or can I play him as I please? ^^ (Also, do I need to fill out a chara form for him, or no?)

@Mojack group

NAME: Zoya Oleksyuk

OTHER NAMES/ALIAS: Captain Jeopardy, or just Jeopardy.

AGE: 25

HAIR COLOR/STYLE: Zoya has short, slightly wavy light brown hair. She keeps it above the shoulders. It’s a bit too short for her to do much with it, but she does keep it out of her face at least.

EYES: Zoya’s eyes are sort of a grey colour. Maybe a bit blue.

HEIGHT: 6’0.

CLOTHES: Outside of her activities, for casual wear Zoya prefers a navy blue headband on her hair, which she sometimes wears it by her neck. She wears a short white and blue dress, the majority of the dress being white while the blue being decorated with ‘flowers.’ Her shoes are black, and she wears white socks.

For those activities, talking more of her ‘role’, she takes on a different persona, (aka Jeopardy.) Black, full face mask. She wears a dark green coat that looks somewhat similar to a trench coat (though she insists it’s not) and black pants, black boots as well.

ROLE: Neutral

POWERS/ABILITIES (IF ANY): Zoya can shift parts of her body momentarily. Although she is unable to shift completely, depending on the situation she can parts of her bodies into a stronger material or be able to maneuver over terrain a bit easier. She can’t make new additions to her body, like tails or anything like that, but she can ‘modify’ existing features of her body momentarily, as I said. However, it does have its limits.

OTHER: Zoya seems to believe ‘Zoya’ and ‘Jeopardy’ are separate people, despite going under the same body. Jeopardy could just be an alternate personality. However, the differences between Jeopardy and Zoya are rather obvious. Her accent can be a bit hard to understand sometimes as well, but it varies from person to person.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Yay, thank-you so much! Is there anything else I should know about Serpent, or can I play him as I please? ^^ (Also, do I need to fill out a chara form for him, or no?)

Other then what little info I already provided for Serpent (see very 1st post), there really isn't any other info for him, so do as you see fit! As for the character info, I think that you should still fill it out.