forum New RP!!
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people_alt 60 followers

Deleted user

(I have a question, is there anything specific yall are looking for for the job, bc Idk what to put)

(hitman ;) not necessarily like someone who kills people, more like someone who hits people ;) maybe kills them ;))

Deleted user

(i think jesse and seric are gonna get along just fine.. does that thing that villains do with their hands)

Deleted user

(by the way, should i put a writing sample?)

nope! You're all good :)

Deleted user

(I have a question, is there anything specific yall are looking for for the job, bc Idk what to put)

tbh, not really… Just go with what you want haha!

Deleted user

  • Name: Rune Genesis
  • Gender/Sexuality/Pronouns: male, bisexual, he/him
  • Age: 28
  • Role/Occupation: mostly undecided (for now), but in the past he was a fighter pilot for the Air Force. He is also a great tinkerer.
  • Personality: Rune is a happy-go-lucky fellow who tries to make the best of impossible situations. If you are having a bad day, then he is the guy to go to. He's charming and ultimately wants the best for the people around him. Rune desperately tries to connect with people which often times makes them uncomfortable. Although, he can be quite headstrong and stubborn. If you challenge him to something, he will absolutely follow through on it. His personality has put him in numerous dangerous situations, but it is also what allows him to narrowly evade harm. He has many internal conflicts, which are hard to be seen from his golden retriever exterior.
  • Physical Appearance: Rune has unruly red hair which just seems to never settle. He has a slight amount of stubble which matches his hair. His face is scattered with freckles. His eyes are a cooler, lighter shade of green. Rune normally sports an aviator jacket and pair of baggier pants. He also has a pair of sunglasses that he never seems to part with. He wears worn-out boots, too.
    This may be a better depiction of him :
  • Background: Rune and his brother, North, were raised by a single mother. Their father up and left a little after North was born. They were low-income, and it was tough for them to make ends meet. To help support them, Rune picked up some odd jobs. It would range from delivering questionable packages to stealing from the wealthy people he came across. Eventually, Rune met someone who soon became a father figure to him. He was the one who taught him how to fly planes and fix up cars. Cars became one of his most favorite hobbies. This man was extremely important to Rune and made him who he is today. While enlisted in the military, Rune received the news that he had been killed.
    TRIGGER WARNING (substance abuse & mental health issues)!
    Rune took the news harshly and turned to unhealthy coping methods. He used alcohol to make himself feel numb and keep himself from feeling the pain of his death. His mental health began to spiral and he questioned why he should remain on Earth (I'll let you figure out the rest). Obviously, his attempts were unsuccessful and he was able to seek help. He has been sober for quite a long time and would like to keep it that way.
  • Magical Ability (if any): He seems to be quite skilled with machinery, and although he would like to think he has the "magic touch", I don't think he has any ability out of the norm.
  • Extras: N/A

Deleted user

(Also, what's our game plan? Do you guys have anything you wanna add to the (partial) storyline? If not, I can probably come up with something haha)

Deleted user

(umm hmm war i mean uhhhhh well what kind of setting does this take place in?)

Deleted user

(ok, wait I kinda love that idea. An urban city, maybe similar to New York or Chicago, but in the future.)

Deleted user

(did you mean how do the characters meet? also when we start should i write in first or third person, past or present tense)

Deleted user

(I think the characters meet almost accidently, but find out that they have the same goal and then band together. I think first person, present tense would be fun! I don't normally write in first. Also, is the war based off political unrest/outside forces or are we starting the war?)

Deleted user

(if you even want a war, but maybe it has been ongoing (hence military school escapee) and they are benefitting from it (making it easier to duck under the radar))

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(omg i've only written first person poc once! This is gonna be fun writing Jesse's character in it. :O)
(also im sorry im not good at brainstorming haha. im totally fine with anything!)