forum My Hero Academia RP [I think we have room for like 1 more person...]
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Ima was sitting in class 1-A, Aizawa was sleeping on the floor. She played with the collar around her neck, one wrong move and she would be shocked. Ima hated it, but it was necessary for the UA to allow her in the class. It was a trade she was willing to make.


Tasper made his way to the classroom. Now that he wasn't feeling competitive, he was hoping he could make friends and learn something from them. To ultimately be the best, of course.

Deleted user

(Sorry, I gtg just pretend Tsuchiya entered and stuff i dot have time to writ it out rn)


Sasaki walked into the classroom, all seats empty except a scruffy looking man at the front, and Ima. "Hey." Sasaki tried to smile a bit more comfortably around her, but he couldn't help but feel in danger around her. Not scared, but focused. It was very hard to think about anything else properly.


"Erm… yeah haha." He looked towards the sleeping man, "Is that our teacher?" He asked, pointing at him.


(Sorry! I'm here!)
"I mean with sensei sleeping," Ima gestured toward Aizawa, "I hope he doesn't sleep all year."

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"Ima! Sasaki! Hi!" Tsuchiya smiled at the sight of familiar faces. She sat down in a seat next to Sasaki, "So, we actually made it in, huh? I can hardly believe it!"

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"Thanks!" Tsuchiya looked around the room and something on the floor caught her attention, "What's caterpillar man doing on the floor?" she asked Ima and pointed him out.

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"What?! Really?!" Tsuchiya buried her head in her arms, "Uh… I feel so stupid," she put her chin on her arms, noticing Ima playing with some sort of necklace, "Ooo, I like your necklace. It looks nice!"


"Uh, thanks?" Ima responded. She supposed necklace was a good cover for her shock collar, "And don't feel stupid. It's Aizawa-Sensei I'll be surprised if he stays awake the entire school year."

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"Aizawa-Sensei, huh?" Tsuchiya propped an arm up and rested her head on her hand, "Well, I can't wait to see what kind of things he teaches us, if he ever wakes up."

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"Huh, maybe," Tsuchiya hoped that wouldn't happen, she wanted to learn from the best, but from how things looked, it seemed homeroom would be a free period. Of course, school hadn't started yet, but Aizawa-Sensei was out cold. Some students had tried to wake him up by various tactics, one girl poured cold water on him, another tried an alarm clack, and one guy tried to shake him awake, but none of them worked. When all seemed lost, the bell rang for class to start, and Aizawa-Sensei stood up.