forum Mortem (A dark fantasy rp group) Open // We need more people!)
Started by @Zoe-the-GM

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(Idk where wish is, she probably got a little busy, but you can send out your starter, just reread everything in the chat pretty much. Although, I'm gonna give wish a day or two, until we move on without her.)

@Becfromthedead group

The hanging in the town square could not have interested Galen less. There were very few crimes, in his opinion, that warranted death, and making a whole show out of it was pretty twisted. He had passed through the town square about a half hour before Mevia first arrived at Fallen Rest, about when the crowd first started gathering for the hanging, but the cold weather was a bit too much for him.
Galen was planning to meet an old friend here. They should have arrived a day or two earlier, but there was no sign of them. When he asked the innkeeper about his friend, they had no information.
Regardless, Galen needed a place to rest and a warm meal, so he paid for a room and put his things away, then came to the main area, which was essentially a tavern. Places like these weren't the quietest place to stay, but they were the cheapest. Plus, he would save a trek through the brutal cold every time he wanted a meal.
Galen sat at a small table near the door to have his pint of ale and bowl of beef stew, being sure to keep an eye out for anyone who came through the door. Maybe his partner would appear. Maybe he had died along the way. The thought struck him a little oddly, but people dying left and right was so commonplace, he was desensitized to it.
After a little while, it seemed the crowd from the hanging had dispersed, since the number of bodies in the tavern only grew as people filed in from outside.
Sick fucks… he thought to himself, shaking his head in disbelief, Don't they have something better to do than watch a hanging? Like work? Maybe keep all these other people from dying of monsters and hunger and cold?


Feeling her stomach grumble, Mevia fixed her posture then walked toward the tavern, "The Misty Inn" written on the sign hanging above the door. She put her left foot in first, and saw that there were many people here tonight.

Before Mevia spoke to the innkeeper, she pulled her furry hood down, revealing her face better, since she entered the building.
"Are there anymore rooms left?" She kinda had a feeling that she knew the answer.
"I am so sorry dear, I just sold out the last one. You can check out the Muddy Homeless shelter though." Elisa told the younger woman. "You must be a Monhu huh? I wish there were more of you in the area."
"Well that sucks. And yeah, I am. I saw quite a few sturdy men here, what do you mean there's not many Monhu here?" Mevia's quiet voice grew a tiny bit louder, but remained calm and steady.
"Well… To be honest I'm not so sure. Most of the men here look tough, but they're usually busy searching for food, and building or mining."
"Or they're just weak, too afraid to kill a little possessed mice."
"Haha, so hun, would you like anything else?"
"Hm, yeah sure, I'll try some of your mushroom and rosemary pasties, and I'll also have pine tea." Mevia goes back to speaking quietly.
"Of course dear, it'll be done in a few." The woman walked into the room behind the counter.

Mevia realized that all of the tables have people at them, so she just leaned her back up against the wall closest to her, and waited for her meal.


(I kinda have writters block atm, so sorry if I don't write as well as usual. I am trying to work on my self discipline, so I'm gonna keep writing anyway lol.)

@Becfromthedead group

(You're fine! And if it takes a little longer to get out a response, I totally understand)
Galen was watching over the crowd within the tavern, quietly continuing his meal when Mevia walked in. He observed the other things going on within the place as well as her interaction with the innkeeper. Then she stood up at a wall near him after doing what appeared to be looking for a place to sit.
Galen cleared his throat.
"Hey, need a place to sit? You can sit here. And we don’t have to talk if you don't want to."
Galen pulled down his hood to show his face, even though he was absolutely freezing still. He took a sip of his ale and motioned at the other chair sitting at the table in front of him.

Deleted user

(So sorry to disappear only to re-enter with this, but I'm really not in a place to keep up with group rps right now. I don't want to continue leaving you guys waiting, and in all honesty, I've lost any inspiration for writing my character. I still think this is a super cool prompt, though, and I will absolutely stalk it when I'm able. Sorry again for dipping like this… Also, unrelated, but I really like your character, Bec!)


(So sorry to disappear only to re-enter with this, but I'm really not in a place to keep up with group rps right now. I don't want to continue leaving you guys waiting, and in all honesty, I've lost any inspiration for writing my character. I still think this is a super cool prompt, though, and I will absolutely stalk it when I'm able. Sorry again for dipping like this… Also, unrelated, but I really like your character, Bec!)

(That's totally okay, you're welcome to join in anytime if you're ever up for it.)


Mevia made subtle eye contact to the man who offered her a place to sit, unsure of what to say exactly, she just thanked him by giving a nod, then sat on the chair across from him. She sat there patiently waiting for her meal, while eavesdropping on other people's conversations, trying to learn more about the executed man.
"This whole execution thing pisses me off." Mevia said quietly, just loud enough for only the person in front of her to hear. Right after speaking, she makes eye contact again.
She rapidly taps the table with her right index finger, clearly annoyed with the large crowd of people in this building.

@Becfromthedead group

"It's… pretty gruesome stuff, I'll admit," Galen agreed, swirling his drink around idly, "Not sure what he did, but there are, in my opinion, few things one could do to warrant execution. It was quite the scene to walk into town to- but I didn't stick around to watch. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth."
He shook his head, his mouth curving up into a half-smile.
"I'm more bothered that everyone seems to want to watch someone die, whether that person deserved it or not. Pretty sick. But perhaps that's just because I'm in the business of helping people not die."