Okay, so this is obviously a Romance RP, but here's the basic plot that I really want to do!
A guy and a girl have been friends for a really long time, and they both have feelings for each other that they haven't acknowledged yet. After getting put in a few situations where they're treated as more than friends, they finally tell each other about their feelings.
We can start close to when that happens, or a bit further before. Whichever one seems best.
- This is PG-13, so…
** Keep swearing to a minimum, and…
** Let's not take the romance too far.
- No OP characters.
- OC's only, please!
- Write more than one sentence; at least three, please.
- Grammar is amazing! Please use it correctly. (Sorry, I'm the grammar police sometimes.)
- No Lgbtq+, please.
- Have fun!
Gender: (I'd prefer to be the girl.)
Usual Outfit:
Favorite Food/Drink:
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Season:
Favorite Book(s):
Favorite Movie(s)/Show(s):
Favorite Song(s)/Artist(s):
Other: [Sibling(s), backstory, pet(s), hobbies, etc.]
Gosh, that's long… Sorry, I just want them to actually know things about each other that they would if they had known each other for that long.
Holy cow, that was fast…
Yes, you may!
I'm getting my character ready, but if you prefer to be the girl then I can switch the character I was going to use.
I don't mind. I have a guy character if you would like to be the girl. I'll wait until you post your character so that I can find a good character for her/him. :)
(Cool. Here she is!)
Name: Madeline Rosalind
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Blonde bob; ice-blue eyes; fair skin; 5'5".
Usual Outfit: https://pin.it/6tb5353r67skbm
Personality: Insecure, fearful, self-conscious.
Favorite Food/Drink: Hot cocoa // strawberry ice cream.
Favorite Animal: Cats.
Favorite Color: Rose gold.
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Book(s): The Selection series by Kiera Cass
Favorite Movie(s)/Show(s): Marvel anything.
Favorite Song(s)/Artist(s): Stars by Leanna Crawford // Too many to count.
Other: Super smart, but doesn't flaunt it. Older sister, Belle Jones (28, married to Daniel Jones, stay-at-home-mom of six kids); older brother, James (25, Doctor); calico cat named Fox. Likes dancing, reading, writing, techie stuff, baking.
Should he be kinda the opposite? Do you want him to be a more "jock-y" "popular" type? Or I have a character that is a guitarist in a band if you wanted him to be a little more like that…
(Tbh, it doesn't really matter that much to me. I think him being sort of the opposite of her could be interesting, though. Whichever character you decide to use will be fine with me.)
(Okay, then I'll probably use a mixture of the two…)
Name: Nathan Miller (he goes by Nate)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance/Usual Outfit: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CADEAC_enUS756US758&biw=1366&bih=631&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=SSaHW7XKLpGvjwTeraHQCA&q=jean+jacket+hoodie+mens&oq=jean+jacket+hoodie+mens&gs_l=img.3..0j0i8i30k1l2.10381.15272.0.15374.….0…1c.1.64.img..1.2.582….0.lgqwNMEqygE&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=IpSaieZ_FyZIRM:
Personality: Confident on the outside, outgoing, is insecure but hides it,
Favorite Food/Drink: Any type of pie//Coke
Favorite Animal: Penguins
Favorite Color: Navy blue
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Book(s): The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Favorite Movie(s)/Show(s): The Goonies//Friends or The Office
Favorite Song(s)/Artist(s): Flaws by Bastille//His own band probably😂
Other: Rides a motorcycle, is in a band as the lead guitarist/singer, older sister (Asherah, 25, elementary school teacher), dog named Keeba. His band is widely known around the school and they play a lot of gigs so he doesn't have a lot of free time anymore. Likes writing and playing music (obviously 😂) and likes to be around people constantly
He's great! You ready to start?
Also, sorry if I disappear. We're having company over.
(That's okay, I might disappear at sometimes too because I'm doing homework…)
(All righty. Ready to start?)
(Yeah, but I'll be online on and off all day today because of school)
(So sorry! I had to work and didn't know until it was almost too late. I'll start us off.)
Madeline sat in the college library, studying for an upcoming test as she waited on Nate. They were supposed to be going over an assignment from a class they shared, but she hadn't seen him yet. She glanced up from her book again and looked around the room for him.
Nate came bustling into the library, carrying his backpack, guitar case, and laptop. He quickly scanned the room, looking for Madeline before he found her and walked over to her table. "I'm so sorry I'm late. Practice went longer than planned." He laughed in embarrassment as he sat down next to her.
Madi looked over and smiled.
"It's all right," she assured him, her voice tinged with laughter. "You ready to go over this?"
"Yes. Math is so difficult sometimes." Nate practically whined. He hated math and had never been any good at it.
"Well, lucky for you, your best friend loves it!" Madeline laughed. "Now, where do you want to start?"
"Chapter four. That's the one I've been having the most trouble on." Nate said as he opened his book. He groaned as he looked at all the point-slope and slope-intercept equations. "I'll never understand this!"
(Algebra! I love Algebra!)
"Good thing that's my forte!" Madi exclaimed. "Now, this is what you do…"
(Time skip to when they've finished?)
(yeah :) )
"Thanks Madi, I think I understand it now." Nate laughed. "It's getting late, should we go get something to eat and start heading back to the dorms?"
Madeline nodded. "That sounds good. Should we get pizza again?"
"Definitely." Nate grinned. "Do you want to go to one of our dorms to eat. We could watch another movie." He offered, wanting to spend more time with his best friend.
"Sure! That sounds like fun!" Madeline said, standing up as she gathered her things together. "Mine or yours?"
"Um, how about mine? My room mate's at his parent's house this week so I have the room and the T.V. all to myself." Nate laughed as he finished gathering his stuff together and shoving it into his backpack.