forum Modern Day Fantasy Romance (closed but stalkers are welcome\ <3)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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Full name: Lurestral Irkla

Nickname: Lure

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 15

Personality: Curiosity drives her and she’s unable to resist it’s urge. She keeps a mini notebook in her back pocket filled with words and feelings she’s never able to express out loud. Lure has never felt comfortable in the habitat of social interaction or conversation. She stays quiet and reflects on it later in her notebook, writing small snippets of what she would’ve said, done, changed about mannerisms. Lure’s soul is poured out of her and released in writing. She finds humor and happiness in small things, an optimistic one Lurestral is. Playful, but she’s been through her fair share of sh*t.

Appearance (Be descriptive): Dirty blonde hair is always pulled into a loose, casual ponytail. Wisps of blonde frame her face and there’s a touch of a curl on the end on her ponytail. Her eyes possess a depth making her appear out of touch with humanity. She has a small but not fragile frame, triangle body shape.

Eye color: Dulled amber at the center, transitions to stormy grey as the iris expands with flecks of amber peppered in.

Weight: ~110lbs

Height: 5’ 3’’

Ethnicity: American.

Skin tone: Ivory, but she does have a healthy complexion.

Face shape: Diamond

Distinguishing marks: Dimples that light up the freaking universe.

Other: An purple sea glass teardrop necklace is nestled right at the base of her neck, barely visible to an onlooker.
Favorite/ usual outfit (You can include their outfits for a formal event, sleepwear, and whatever else): Anything comfy and reasonable for a top, usually bright colored with simple abstract designs. Light blue jeans work any day of the year, and if not, jean shorts.
Color: Lilac/purple pastels
Type of music or song: Light, or anything heartfelt where she can feel emotion seeping from behind the words
Food: Flakey pastries drizzled in honey. Fruits drizzled in honey. Anything can taste heavenly, if drizzled in honey.
Weapon: (this is fantasy, right? Can her weapon be her words? She has a way of whispering herself into someone’s mind, changing their ideas, opinions, even morals and feelings. But this doesn’t always have a permanent effect, and exhaustion quickly settles in afterwards.)

Backstory: When Lure first discovered she always got her way with words, she never thought of it. Then, one day, she persuaded a man to give her candy. As she grew, her powers developed. She stopped a fight between drunks, saved a suicidal women’s life with her words… and on one fateful day, when her parents were screaming about divorce and she was in the 7th grade, she tricked them into love. Looking back at herself, she remembered seeing a monster. She changed them back, eventually, but ever since, she’s been terrified of her power. She never once succumbed to it, fought back at ever turn. And now, she lives with the guilt and regret of having once forced upon her parents a fake love.

Other: Nope?

Zodiac and Birthday: Cancer, June 29

Hobbies?: Writing, murmuring to herself, following curiosity. She's a pretty big believer in fate and following whichever path she's presented with.

Likes: Words, writing, silence, the peace of nature.

Dislikes: Multitude of people, abusive relationships, negativity directed at others.

Talents: Logic, empathy, observation.

Deepest secret: When she artificially created emotion between her parents, she terrified herself so badly that she began questioning everything about herself. One day, she held a dagger tip at the base of her neck, wondering if perhaps influencing others made her just as bad as those she despised. That’s where the teardrop pendent now lies.

Family(Mother, father, siblings etc..):
Mother: Kristel Irkla
Father: Grant Irkla
No siblings.

(There's not as much detail but that's because she's pretty new. Is this okay? Espcially the weapon part. If not, her favorite weapon is a moon crescent blade…)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

okay so im glad you asked that, its good to figure out everything before you start!
anyway so it progresses as it goes (so its not like this person is in love with this person at the very beginning) so its like theyre walkin down the hall and theyre like yo theyre cute. and then they can slowly fall in love or slowly form a love triangle!
and about the fantasy, theres like certain people who are able to like talk to animals and stuff like that or….something you can add in ideas or something sorry im being weird


My character has telekinesis, if that works? Oof, love triangles honestly stress me out so much lmao. That's ok though. I'll live (Idk why I'm being so dramatic today apologies).

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

oh yeah that's good. um one thing though. your characters power is technically brainwashing and that's technically controlling the characters, so you can control like lets say NPCs but not our actual characters. the rest is good, and if you could figure out a birthday at least for your character that would be great! its not absolutely needed but I would like for the whole template to be filled out
(just pick a random birthday or something at least for the roleplay) again its fine I guess if you absolutely cant but I mean…. it would be nice…
other than that that's good!

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

okay so your people are from America (or another country right?) so there going to be foreign exchange students unless you have them move to Japan, mine lives in japan right now . again if you have any questions about anything or want to talk about anything about the roleplay feel free to ask me, and again we'll be starting it once we have 3 more people! <3


Oh, my character was just gonna live in Japan since… you know… the whole "rich parents" thing, so she can live pretty much wherever she wants. But, like, I'm down to be a foreign exchange student as well, if you want.


Full name:
Arabella Cooper
She can be super talkative when she’s happy but when she’s feeling a negative emotion she shuts down. She’s super fidgety and is always moving. A knee bouncing up and down, an eye twitching and more. She does dance and gymnastics to get her energy out. Due to her backstory, she gets panic attacks occasionally and always sees the pessimistic side of things even when she tries to be happy.
Appearance (Be descriptive):
Bella has long red hair that is almost always down to her waist., it has little to no wave in it. She has pale skin and violet eyes. She’s short at only 5’3”. Arabella has a sprinkling of freckles across her face. She is super skinny it’s unhealthy.
Eye color:
Dark violet
79 lb
Skin tone:
Pale, but pretty
Face shape:
Heart shaped
Distinguishing marks:
Scar on her lower lip, from biting it too much.
She always wears a silver bracelet made out of little chains
Favorite/ usual outfit (You can include their outfits for a formal event, sleepwear, and whatever else):
Black leggings with a light purple T-shirt and a jean jacket. Always combat boots.
Color: the color of the sky. From one side it looks blue, from the other, nothing.
Type of music or song: some songs are Silent Scream, Leave my Heart out of this, and on top of the world.
Her nails, which she has sharpened to a fine point.
Her mother abandoned her on her fathers doorstep, but he was a drunk, she ran away multiple times until she was 11, and then she was taken to foster care ever since. She only finds peace within her gymnastics/dance and her art. Art calms her.

Zodiac and Birthday
Aries, March 21
Dance, gymnastics, and art (drawing)
Music, art, dance/gymnastics, friends
Being alone, alcohol, smoking, fear
Art, dance/gymnastics, singing
Deepest secret:
She’s attempted suicide and has anorexia
Family(Mother, father, siblings etc..):
Mother is unknown, father is Dobson Cooper. No siblings


( @EllieGrace sorry to bother you, but Lynn said to ask her before joining, and also to tell her if your character was male or female before posting them. Really sorry, it just makes me uncomfortable when people don't follow the rules)