forum Lost in wonderland (VERY OPEN PLZ JOIN)
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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you has fallen into a mysterious land " Wonderland" a world full mysterious creatures. Rouge was lost she had no idea where she was but wasn't sure if she wanted to know. Rouge soon realizes shes stuck there and has no way out. But one creature from this land catches her eyes.

@Shadow_Knight group

Name: Nykidia and Night
Age: Nykidia-14 Night-???
Species: Nykidia-human Night- Shadow
Powers: With each other fused together control of shadows.
Weapons: Shadows
Enemy(white rabbit queen of hearts ect): Queen of hearts
Appearance: Nykidia- Red hair, green eyes, pale skin. Night- pure black, lookes like a shadow, whites of eyes are black and irises are deep purple, no legs just a wisp.
Personality: Nykidia- Like the mad hatter. Night- Like the Cheshire cat
Flaws: Nykidia- hates being alone. Night- Gets angry very fast
Talents: Nykidia- dancing Night- Cheating in any game
Quirks: Nykidia- wears a different types of hat everyday. Night- Won't leave Nykidia


name- Cat damster


spiecies-cat creature
enemy-queen of hearts
apperance- Cat has redish orange hair with bangs that go past her eyebrows and green eyes
personality-cat is very sneaky she loves to cause trouble anywhere she goes
flaws-bites her nails


(thank you!!!!)
Name - Liona race
age- 19
spices - Dark fairy
powers - shapeshifter
weapons - Sword
enemy(white rabit queen of hearts eat) - Queen of hearts
appearance - Dark black flowing dress with black boots, fair skin and hair, dark lips and violet eyes
personality - quiet, curious, mischief maker, loves to play tricks on anyone
flaws - likes to pick fights
talents. - sword fighting and standard combat, Becoming undetectable

Deleted user

Name: Sunati Maheshwaran
Age: 16
Species: Human
Powers: Enhanced ability (strength, speed, reflexes), and she is the only one that can use the Vorpal Sword. She uses it to rip portals in the air, which are caused by her strong emotions. She also has a second sight, which enables her to see things most people can't.
Weapons: Vorpal Sword
Enemy: Queen of Hearts
Appearance - Sunati has long, blond hair with bangs and a blue highlight on one of the bangs. Her skin is dark brown (i want an Indian Alice OC fight me). She has three white dots under each eye. In Wonderland, she got a magical Lumo Tattoo that becomes visible whenever she feels sad, lonely, or frightened. The tattoo is a gold compass that points her towards where she needs to go.
Personality: Sunati is selfless and caring. She hates burdening others, and loves games, sometimes even talking about them in her sleep. She also feels uncomfortable talking about mature themes. On the surface, she is fierce, independent, and pugnacious, but beneath her tough exterior, she possesses a strong loyalty toward her friends and duty. She also has an admirable compassion and devotion, demonstrated when she expresses love toward things such as her family and friends. Her offensive battle style means that she is always quick to initiate or rise to a challenge, and is similarly quick witted and impulsive, especially in heated situations.
Flaws: Somewhat childish, impulsive, lacks perception.
Talents: Fighting, riddles (excels at games).