(Will you also still be Amber? She sounded really cute…)
(Will you also still be Amber? She sounded really cute…)
Adrian Keller
He/Him, Male
tousled dark brown hair, nothing is sharper than his jaw, he has cool grey-blue clear eyes.
He is such a sweet heart, but was in the closet for ages due to a very homophobic community, its only in college when he got his first boyfriend/accepted himself for who he was, but now he's on really bad terms with his parents, but he really hopes that one day they will grow to love him as he is. He loves playing his guitar (although hes not that good, only started a year ago, so he's pretty shy about it) and also loves taking photos.
He is usually clad in a button down or sweater, with the sleeves pulled up above his elbows, or in just a slightly tight or loose shirt. Jeans or shorts, and a pair of sneakers, converse or hiking boots (all depending on the what when who where)
He's in love with water, swimming, kayaking, water polo, anything. Although he also loves hiking.
(Will you also still be Amber? She sounded really cute…)
(i can be both respectively, ill make sure to say the name before talking about what they do to make sure people don't get confused.)
(nothing is sharper than his jaw? is this Mikey Way? https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F177251933%2Flarge.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fweheartit.com%2Fentry%2F177251933&docid=2B5siEyaWmijZM&tbnid=aOJBZmb2HaRT1M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiz8OD6it3ZAhWql-AKHSpcD34QMwg6KAQwBA..i&w=427&h=328&safe=active&bih=677&biw=1318&q=mikey%20way%27s%20jawline&ved=0ahUKEwiz8OD6it3ZAhWql-AKHSpcD34QMwg6KAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8)
(ahahah, sure)
Adrian walked over to the group of people who had gathered, when he'd planned this out, he hadn't thought anyone would actually come, well damn. Turns out he was wrong.
"Hi guys, I'm Adrian, thanks for coming!" Adrian began scanning the unique group, but pausing on a particular cute guy, "Good to see that you're already getting along." He shot an amused look at Joe and Carmen. "So do you guys want to do anything specific, or should we just jump right in to activities?" He looked around hopefully, damn he really should have thought about how awkward these things could get before he'd committed to it.
Carmen followed Adrian's jawline down to the loose collar of his shirt with his eyes, blushing discreetly and smiling at him. "Whatever you want."
"Why don't we get into teams, start with a good one," He paused to thin. "Ah! I know. We'll get into pair's and be dropped off at random parts long the forest and have to find our way back to that lake over there", he pointed to the big-ass lake about a kilometre from where they stood. When we get back we can heat up some burgers and just swim around." He smiled at the groups bewildered expressions. "don't worry you'll be safe!"
"I believed we can organize ourselves into groups." He smiled and waited for them to arrange themselves into groups.
Amber was somewhat nervous about being on her own with just one other person in the middle of the woods, but she figured that it wouldn't be too far, and how hard would it be to find a lake so big?
She looked around at potential partners, but she stopped at the girl with kind honey brown eyes and walked over to her.
"Wanna be partners?" She asked brightly.
(is that Joe? XD)
"Sure." Joe smiled crookedly.
"So what's you're name?" She asked as the others got themselves into pairs. (she wasn't there yet when you introduced yourself)
Carmen stood aside awkwardly as everyone else paired up. He wasn't afraid of it, but he knew he would always be the last one picked, so he may as well just wait for it to happen.
Adrian looked back at the boy, he seemed somewhat sad, taking a bold move he walked up to him, "Have a partner yet? If not, would you mind being mine?"
"Well…heh. That's a bit complicated." Joe rubbed her neck. "How about you?"
If not, would you mind being mine?"
Adrian looked back at the boy, he seemed somewhat sad, taking a bold move he walked up to him, "Have a partner yet? If not, would you mind being mine?"
(my feels bruhhhh)
"Uhh… Um, sure!! I mean, okay." Carmen wasn't sure how to react, but it was nice to know he'd gotten his attention. "I'm Carmen."
If not, would you mind being mine?"
eheheh ;)
"Nice to meet you. So what brought you here? Apart from you know, the obvious." He smiled trying as hard as he could to diffuse the tension he hadn't meant to create.
"Well…heh. That's a bit complicated." Joe rubbed her neck. "How about you?"
"My name? It's Amber. How is your name complicated? I can be a little rough with foreign language pronunciation, but I'm sure I'll cope! That is if thats what you meant?" Amber said somewhat confused.
"N-No…n-nevermind. Just call me Joe." She ducked her head, embarrassed.
With the blush adorning her cheeks Amber thought that Joe looked incredibly cute. "Don't worry about it! I'm just a generally confused person!" She smiled brightly up at Joe, who seemed to tower her slightly.
"M-me too," Joe laughed gently.
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