Name: Gallio Davison
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/425168021042162309
Attire: Black long sleeve shirt, jeans, black trainers
Personality: approachable, positive, sociable, gets his own hopes up, emotional, hard working
Flaws: too sensitive and takes things personally often, loud
Talents: He can climb trees pretty well and could sit up in one all day, does binge watching T.V. count as a talent? He thinks it does, good at long distance running (although it's really just jogging)
Hobbies: Running, tree climbing, he goes to a crafts club every Wednesday
Favourite word: Psithurism
Worst Fear: being forgotten
One Random Fact: His favourite day is Thursday for no particular reason
Other: Bisexual, Hufflepuff