"My name is Ereri Nyxan. It's a pleasure to meet one such as you." he says, admiring her form.
"I hope you know I'm not polite to just anybody. Your aura is… different than any other I've encountered. You seem to be truly connected to this world on a level few ever are. I know not to mess with you, because if you die… well, I assume nothing good would happen to this world." he says this in a slightly different tone than before, a more respecting tone than he had before as he realized what he just said, and its implications.
(Lmao! How does Luci always come off as an asshole? He’s not even trying!)
Golder watched Toky leave and followed, becoming invisible. His fingernails became claws and an evil grin appeared on his face.
Luci paused in his walk, watching Golder’s progress even though he technically couldn’t see him. His eyes narrowed.
Nyx notices this, and throws a strong barrier in front of Golder. "Just let her go." he says, half paying attention.
"TOKY! I'm not saving you because I care. I'm saving you because I have more of a claim to your life than Golder does." he says, shooting Golder a look that conveyed that.
He turns his attention back to Zytha.
Toky: is there someone here? [ Turns back into human form]
Something sounded in her mind, like a ringing in ones ears, she could feel that someone else was approaching. She welcomed the feeling, enjoying the opportunity to be with others similar to herself.
Ereri Nyxan…. The name was familiar. He was the horror than many fear but never dared to speak of. As if saying his name alone would summon his ire upon ones life. He wasn't known to be particularly kind, so she knew his words were genuine as he spoke to her.
Her red lips spread, her smile growing wider. "Thank you. But I wouldn't be as proud as to say the world was dependent on me or my kind. We are destroyers as much as we are restorers. We simply are. But you…… people sing songs of death about you."
Golder whirled on Nyx with a hiss.
“I care nothing of claims. She is a potential victim, and Death always requires souls!”he snarled.
Luci watched, then raised a finger. A thick, white lightning bolt shot forth and blasted into Golder with a deafening boom. Golder gave off a terrifying shriek of pain and vanished.
Nyx snorts, and half listens to Toky, waiting for Zytha's response.
"Golder started following you. I just stopped him from attacking you." he says to her telepathically.
Toky: but can I just say thank you
"Truly, you flatter me. I do not think my deeds are as widely known as that. But you… everyone should know of your kind, and you in particular. I'm a destroyer, not a creator. That's all I'll be known for. You could be known for so much more. The fact that you don't want fame is proof enough that you have more of an impact on this world than you believe." He says this in a slightly self-deprecating tone, but with much more admiration for Zytha than he's used to feeling, even when he met Golder.
"Tell me, Zytha: Do you really believe I'm that well known? Have I truly become the terror in the night?" he asks abruptly, genuinely curious.
Luci shook his head and continued to walk away, sighing sorrowfully.
Abruptly, Golder, a smoking hole in his body, launched at Luci from behind and tackled him. His claws repeatedly slashed at Luci, ripping his robe, but they only somewhat cut through his scales. Golder shrieked angrily, vanishing before Luci could properly grab him.
Luci sighed and stood. He shook out his hair, finding comfort in its crackling, and continued on, reaching the edge of the village.
“Coward!”Golder cried from his perch on a roof.
That froze Luci and a low, rumbling growl grew in his throat.
Zytha gave Nyx a nod of confirmation and appreciation. "My kind belong in the shadows, the things we do should go unseen, like the workings of Fate. I have accepted that as my place." There was a light of resolve in her eyes, something akin to peace. "And yes. I do believe you are well known. Mortals fear you, though many have not seen you and lived to tell the tale. I find it miraculous that we all would be here in one place, at the same time. Each a mystical being that the world knows of. Even the pompous Elder is revered by small pacts." Zythalyss regarded Lucitius with a playful smirk. "Each of you are like gods to some in the world."
Nyx contemplates this for a moment, then says "I thank you, Zytha. No one has ever been so kind to me, knowing what I can do. And if you truly wish to work in the shadows, like Fate, at least let me tell a tale of you to any who would listen. Your name would not be told, your identity kept secret. It just be so that people know that I am not the only side to the hourglass." He gives Zytha as genuine an offer as one like him can give, and he vows to himself that he'll keep his word, just for this mysterious woman who dreams of and creates better worlds, and who accepts him as he is, not as she's heard him to be.
(weird twist to Nyx, but whatever. i'm just rolling along here.)
(I noticed how neither Zytha or Nyx are bothered by the fight about to ensue between Luci and Golder. That’s funny)
(honestly, they can work themselves out. we just over here vibin'.)
(i do need to go to bed for the night though. this was very fun! and thank you all for humoring my RP post. see y'all tomorrow!)
( I all ready said Hi to you )
(i know, i meant to everyone else.)
( Toky: Can I slap him now )
(Nyx: Shows up with blood up to his elbows, a cruelly pleased smile on his face. I just finished removing Toky's fingers, in another world.)