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forum Horror RP (CLOSED!!!!)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

She made the lights go off and disappeared and turned the lights back on.


Rayny heard Pheonix calling her she turned her head to see where she was and caught her foot on a loose floorboard. She fell down and landed face first on the floor. When she finally looked up she realized she was in a dark hallway. She whimpered and crawled up against a wall.

Deleted user

She appeared in front of this Rayany…… " Hello….. "


Rayny fell onto the floor. This had happened before when she was little and accidentally locked herself in her closet. She saw a ghost-like entity then and she saw one now. She tried to even out her breathing as she looked at it… or her rather. Rayny tried to keep her calm but her breath sped up and she shrieked at the top of her lungs before scrambling to her feet and running into the nearest room and trying her best to pile furniture in front of the door so nothing could follow her. If it really was a ghost or something it wouldn't be helpful anyway but it helped give Rayny a false sense of security and she liked that.

Deleted user

She appeared in front of Rayny and said, "what's wrong?"