(Yay ^.^ Okay, so depending on what year your character is, feel free to join in on the 2nd year and ups conversation in the Main Hall (by like simply walking in, saying hey, what's up, etc. just greet them really) or go to the dining hall to get a tour with the other first years and you can talk to Evie and Laffete's character over there)
(Okay, so you can be getting your schedules and dorm assignments. Cicada, Aeraphina, London, and Vincent will know you.)
(I'll choose option one!)
Ferran wandered into the main hall. He whistled softly to himself. They sure did put a lot of work into this place….
He spotted a group of kids about his age chatting. "Hey!" He called out.
"Hey," Cicada waved at the boy.
Ferran jogged up to him. "Crazy coming back here! Amiright?"
“It’s not crazy, I’d say… fun!”
Cicada smiled, "Yeah. Can't wait for the year to get started!"
"Same!" Ferran bounced up and down a bit.
"Can't wait to kick all of your asses too," Aeraphina said cheerfully, stepping into a booth line. "Wouldn't it be cool if we all ended up in a dormitory?"
"That'd be sick!" Ferran nodded.
(Gtg I'll be back really soon though)
"Yeah!" Cicada smiled. Then she frowned, "Now watch it not happen."
She glanced at Cicada reprimandingly. "Don't be pessimistic."
Cicada shrugged, "Sorry it's just in my nature. Give me a positive scenario and it will twist it negatively. I can't help it."
Ferran squinted. "I do the opposite."
(I gtg ;-;)
Vincent Shook his head, "For a girl that works with Fire you are really dark."
(Aww. Bye. Also, welcome back Relsey.)
(Oh wow that was quick.)
“The shadows are dark too.”
(I was speedy with my chores)
Cicada sighed, "Fifteen foster homes does that too a person. Besides," she lit a flame atop one of her fingers, "Fire is one of the most destructive forces behind water."