forum "Heyyy wanna be in a movie?" (CLOSED (for now) 7/7?)
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Deleted user

Name: Parker Gorden
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He be a he
Height: 5'8
Appearance: Strawberry-blond hair with a gold touch when directed in sunlight. Pale skin with freckles eVERYwhere. Kind of lanky. His left eye is completely blind but it looks as normal as his right (this will make it easy for the killer wink wink), both are a blue-green in color.
Personality: He's very bright and lively. Always looking for the positive side of things. Always has a joke, whether it be good or bad. He's very protective and gentle to those he cares about. He is very brave when it comes down to it.
Backstory (optional): Wanted to be an actor since he was young and has been doing small, hometown productions ever since. This is his first real movie.
Filmmaking Role(s): Actor
Cast Role: James Fillamond
Roles appearance: same irl
Roles personality: same irl
Roles backstory (optional): none

Deleted user

(So basically, the first part (Name down to Backstory) is the actual person/actor, "irl".)

(Filmmaker Role is his filmmaking job (eg. Actor, Camera/Sound, Director, etc.))

(Cast Role and below is the character your person plays in the film. (in your case Character E, but feel free to change the name!))

(I hope this helped! (And made any sense 😅))

Deleted user

(No problem! Sorry the template was a bit confusing.)