forum Hell on Earth (Open Group RP)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Name: Kathy Garcia
Age: 20
Sexual orientation: omnisexual and transgender.
Gifted or non-gifted. If yes, what power: gifted. Immortality at a cost. (His picture will explain-) also is incredibly fast.
Appearance: 6ft6 muscular man with scars all over his back.

Personality: Tends to joke a lot. Is insane but just seems to have a very dark sense of humor. He can be protective and has been known to threaten people. While he has a dark side, he also has a light one. He is known to be incredibly gentle to kind people and especially children. If you are not in the group of people he would kill, then you’re safe from him.
Life before apocalypse: He lived with his father and stepmother. His stepmother however, was incredibly abusive and is the main cause for his insanity. His real mother and father died tragically. His mother died from a unknown cause when he was 5, and his father died in a car crash when he was 15.
Other: Kathy was (and still is) a famous serial killer that only kills a certain group of people. He calls them, ‘bad people’ of course and for good reason.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Name: Minnow
Age: 16
Sexual orientation: Mostly lesbian (has Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Gifted or non-gifted. If yes, what power: Gifted. She can manipulate light, and store light within her body. She has Vigilo due to this, as the light in her body affects spots on her skin. when she has low amounts of sunlight in her body, its almost unnoticeable. it has to be sunlight. she can manipulate the temperature, size, color, firmness, and light emission of the light.
Appearance: Her hair is split white and black, she has yellow eyes, a tall stature, and pointed ears. her different personalities all have different styles, so they all compromised, and she's usually wearing pretty much Himiko Toga's outfit, minus the weapons. her sweater is also more of a creme color, and it has more pockets as well.
Personality: …. It changes whenever she blinks. usually sweet, although there is a mass murderer buried somewhere in her mind.
Life before apocalypse: she was just a student. no family, no friends, no job.
Other: without sunlight, she gets extremely sick. the darker the light spots on her skin are, the sicker she is, and the less sunlight she has stored. Henceforth, she hates going underground.

Here is mine. You can check out my drawing of her in my characters if you'd like

@CaseyJ group

Name: Donevan (Devon/Dev) Azuma
Age: 17
Sexual orientation: Gay
Gifted or non-gifted. If yes, what power: Gifted; control over shadows and darkness, he can move them and disappear into them.
Appearance: Devon is about 5'8", thinish build, he has dark hair and reddish eyes. His hair is long enough to fall in his eyes, but not any longer. He is very much average looking. He wears a black hoodie, jeans, and converse. Has an RBF
Personality: Quiet, he cares deeply for those he is close to, but is generally distrustful; especially towards females. He keeps to himself and hides the fact that he is gifted.
Life before apocalypse: He lived on his own, living off of his dead mothers money she gave him. He didn't do much.
Other: (idk I use this character way to much)

we just reposting ours? Epic

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Name: Ian Harrison
Age: 9
Sexual orientation: Male
Gifted or non-gifted what power: Gifted (If you can call it that), The ability to draw life from things and put it into other things including himself which in turn gives him a sort of voluntary immortality. A side effect of this is he can't feel physical pain so he is constantly having to check to see if he's injured or not.
Appearance: Abt 4’5 with peaches and cream skin. He has dull green eyes, a healthy amount of freckles and dark red hair. His hair is shaggy and unkempt, usually covering his eyes in some way. Dresses in white/cream oversized sweaters and jeans, snow boots, and his father's Diamond cross necklace.
Personality: Untrusting and shy at first, but friendly and energetic like a kid should be.
Life before apocalypse: Lived and homeschooled by his dads with a forest for a backyard where he would spend his days making forts and getting lost constantly. At least he pretended too until a dad would come and find him.
Other: Is scared of the dark, And loves raspberries.

Ok, reposting. :)

Deleted user

Name: Alexys Ravenclaw
Age: 17
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Gifted or non-gifted. If yes, what power: Gifted; she simply has extreme speed. She can go up to 150 MPH, or 241.5 KPH. She uses a lot of energy to go past 24 MPH, and she's actually trained her body to be able to go at a consistant 20 MPH for about 10 minutes. She can use top speed for about 30 seconds before she has to stop and eat food. The reason why drag and air force and friction don't affect her is because whenever she goes above 15 miles per hour, her power activates a sort of protective bubble that acts as a barrier between her and the rest of the world, allowing her to run through walls by agitating the atoms in her body. Her mental speed has also increased to be able to process the sounds and sight blurring past her when she runs, making her that much smarter.
Appearance: /// 4'1" /// She has self-harm scars all over her body, mostly hidden by her clothes. There's also burn scars in the shape of cigarette burns, scars from chains and brass knuckles. . . even a couple stab wounds.
Personality: Very shy and skittish, she tends to avoid conflicts, which is why she's merely a messenger instead of a leader. She isn't cut out for killing or harming others, as she is too kind and caring to even want to consider that possibility. She absolutely hates rude people, and believes that violence for the sake of violence is useless. She always likes taking a quieter approach to things. She's super smart, and not conceited about it. Basically, it's impossible to logically hate her. She trusts people easily, despite everything, and respects everyone, even the people who may not be deserving of it.
Life before apocalypse: She used to run errands as an intern for a local law firm. She'd volunteer at the local pet shelters and clinics, the local homeless shelters, anywhere that she could help out. She got excellent grades at school - top of all of her classes - and was taking college courses online. She was an amazing child to her foster parents, doing all the cleaning and whatnot, by herself; she had no other siblings and no pets. Her real parents had been locked up for domestic abuse, sexual assault of a minor, and attempted murder, all in regard to their child. (She's a very broken child.) She was bullied from elementary school to highschool; she'd changed over the summer leading into freshman year, and now was one of the hottest and most popular girls in her high school. Until, of course, the pandemic hit, at which point her looks no longer mattered.
