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forum Hear me out, anyone up for a Selection based rp? (10/14 spots taken)
Started by @gracehustle

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"Hello Alli," Talin addressed her, giving a slightly nod in greeting. He tried to act as regal as possible, though a small smile appeared on his face. Alli seemed nice enough, she was from he looks of it, a cheerful girl as well.


"Y-your, um, Your M-majesty, f-forgive my stutter, um, but-t may I ask you a, um, q-ques-stion?" Aza mentally chastised herself for being such a fool. Her stutter was controlled when she was calm, but showed when she was nervous.


Talin looked at the nervous girl who had curtseyed to him and he gave her a encouraging smile, "Ask whatever questions you'd like." He straightened his suit once again, messing with his hair as well, "It may not seem like it, but I used to have a stutter when I was younger, I understand."


Aza blushed profusely. "T-thank you, Y-your Majesty. Um, if I may, when will we get to see our rooms?" Aza fumbled over her words. "I-i mean, not to be rude or anything, but I just wanted to see them, I've always wanted to study architecture and things so-" Aza stopped abruptly, taking a deep breath. "Sorry."


"You're ok, you don't have to apologise." He said, nodding, "As far as I know, every one of you will be able to see your rooms in a little while, I think all of you have to meet in the parlor and my mother or father is going to talk to you, then you get to go to your room and then it's time for dinner." He looked around, "I don't think any of you are actually supposed to be over here right now, I won't tell though, this is your first time here."

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Alli grabbed her arm and helped her up. "My goodness!!!" She exclaimed. "Are you alright? You just about scared the living daylights out of me!!!"

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Alli didn't want to disrupt the conversation, so she rubbed Aza's back reassuringly.


He felt her fall into him and he quickly caught her before she could get hurt, standing her back up and making sure she was ok, "You're welcome Aza, but the pleasure was mine." He took his hand off of her shoulder and cleared his throat, "Well then, I've got to get going, you haven't seen my fath-the king around here anywhere, have you?" He quickly corrected himself, knowing that none of these ladies addressed him as anything but their king.


He nodded, then turned to Alli, "I wish the best to both of you, I have to go find the king now." He bowed respectfully to both of them and pointed to the door of the parlor, "If you two wouldn't mind heading there, and telling the others to head there as well, that would be greatly appreciated."