forum HA (Humans Anonymous) // Shipping // Funny // Vent // Always Open
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Welcome to Humans Anonymous!

-RP as yourself!
-talk about your real life problems and get quality advice!
-Ship with others!
-Exchange Instagrams or Snapchats!
-Come up with exciting plots!
-Make Friends!

We have it all!

Deleted user

Is it weird that I want to do this but I'm scared that I'll scare people off if I act as myself, unabridged?

Deleted user

I'll go first:

"Hello! My name is Eris and I'm 23 years old. Today I finally admit that I am a human."
queue people saying "Hi Eris." in an annoyingly monotone voice.

Deleted user

Don't be scared this is a free space where we can all be ourselves. Trolls will be dealt with accordingly my friends.

Deleted user

"Heyo! I'm Lex, if I don't like you, I'm going to prank you or ruin your social life. Nice to meet you!"

Deleted user

"Hi, I'd rather not put my real name or my age out there, if that's alright. I'm Sparky, but you can also call me Red! I'm glad to meet all of you, and I hope we can get to know each other better. A fun fact about me: I own a pair of Pride Socks. Yeah, that's right, I have rainbow socks y'all! That and I also have crippling depression, but self deprecating humor is always a lovely distraction… ha…" I say, collapsing back into my 'Closet' as it were, in tears as I stare at my Pan flag and stuffed animal hoard collection.


Hey, I don't want to put my name here but you can call me whatever you want! Nice to meet y'all. I wanna make friends as well!" I say, fidgeting because I may or may not have crippling social anxiety.

Deleted user

"Well see! This is a good start. Welcome fellow humans." I say giving everyone a casual smile.


"Helloo, I'm Charles, and I've been a human for around 16 years. I have anxiety and my social life is garbage!" I say while dying inside.

Deleted user

"Seems that a trashy social life is a common aliment among humans." I say adjusting my glasses. "I have a hard time too. But the internet helps! You get to avoid the part where you actually have to go outside" I shrug, smiling a little too big.

Deleted user

"That does seem like a logical pursuit. It's also easier to find social security numbers on the internet." I said, only half-joking and returning the grin that the other person had passed around the room. "I just got Tumblr… Right before it dies."

Deleted user

"I dunno, people have been telling me it's about to die." I say with a tightlipped smile and I look over to Eris with a pointed glare.

Deleted user

"I've never used Tumblr before, so I wouldn't know about all this." I say, confused.

Deleted user

I shrug again, playing with a lock of my hair instead of looking up at people. "Tumblr announced that it is censoring all of it's content. But the bots are a little too…overzealous, if you will, so literally everything is getting flagged and taken down. People are upset that the 'Last Free Content Website' isn't free anymore." I pause for a moment considering. "That and there seems to be no censoring of racism. Most people are logging out as of the 17th."

Deleted user

I perk up at the newcomer. "Welcome! Refreshments are over there." I gesture wildly and vaguely around the room. "Make yourself at home. We're just chatting for now."


"Thank you," I call, grabbing a singular cookie and a cup of water before going over to join the group. "My given name is Angela, Angie for short, but I really just prefer to be called Lee. I have spent almost 18 years on this planet, but I feel like I've been here for far longer." I attempted to joke as I pulled up a chair, not wanting to weird anyone out by sitting on the floor or table like I normally would.