Based off an older game series with similar mechanics to that of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The world has fallen into chaos, and a group of heroes have been chosen by the Sedjinn–a godlike race of people born from the ancients fusing with the powers of the djinn, magical creatures that represent each of the elements. In the midst of the apocalypse, these four heroes have been chosen to restore power to the Final Lighthouse–a machine born of the ancient's mastery of alchemy and the magic that powers the practice. It won't be easy, and chances are the quest will go off course constantly. But all good journeys are misadventures in disguise, and nothing ever goes as planned. Maybe the end of the world isn't so bad after all..?
Little bit of background info: There are four elements, fire, water, earth, and wind. Each element already has certain spells they can use that correlate to their element (growing plants and moving objects for earth, for example), and spells can be added by collecting djinn–small, cutesy creatures that are the physical embodiment of the planet's psynergy–and adding them. Adepts (basically benders) are rare and born with the ability to use psynergy. Fire adepts do best with fire, earth, and water djinn, water adepts do best with water and air djinn, air adepts do best with air djinn, and earth adepts do best with earth, fire, and air djinn.
Rules: No fighting over slots, please ask if you want to make your character something other than human (in the game the only other magical species are beastmen, which have animal qualities in varying intensities. I'm flexible on species tho since this is supposed to take place post-original games), max four djinn, and be prepared for all kinds of misadventure fuckery.
Fire adept: Qxeenscryche
Water adept: CW_StarkSpangledBanner
Earth adept: RedTheHopeless
Air adept:
Extra: Me
Reserve: Tik-Tok-Thot, kirishima_is_softest_boi_bleu
Age (between 17 and 22):
Outfit (think more medieval mixed with steampunk, if you need inspiration google the Golden Sun Dark Dawn characters):