forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

Eve quickly moved to support her, hurrying to be in front of Farah and Saul. Her parents kept their faces close together, exchanging whispers like they had in the past.

“What hurts?” Eve asked her partner worriedly. “Do we need to visit Ben?”

@emilyevewrites group

Eve's mouth dropped open in shock. "Anya!" she cried, sprinting after her partner.

Farah looked up quickly with concern, but relaxed when she saw it was only a playful lover's quarrel.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve groaned in frustration. "Not fair!" she cried, hurdling furniture to try and catch Anya.

Farah opened her lips to protest, but Saul quickly drew her into a kiss so the two could continue their little game.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve rolled her eyes before sending a quick stream of water across the room toward Anya.

Farah watched the exchange with observant eyes, yet ready to step in if need be.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve was about to retaliate when Farah stepped between the girls, a knowing smirk on her face. "If you plan on continuing this little skirmish, it won't be in my office."