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forum Dystopian RP (VERY MUCH OPEN!!)
Started by @Ervie

people_alt 4 followers

@Rvan group

"Not what you need. I couldn't empty my gun onto those officials, so I'll settle for another type of fun," Robbie grinned and looked at the rest, "So who are all of you?"

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Vivian stayed in hiding still, unsure if she should come out.

@Rvan group

Robbie raised an eyebrow, "If he don't want to shake your hand, don't make him. Maybe you smell," Robbie mocked as he moved his chin to his other hand.

Deleted user

She froze as the boy came up the steps, up to the deck where she resided. Dont make a sound…


Nolan followed Jordan up the stairs and over to where the other girl (Vivian) was hidden. He had been at the just the right angle to see her before, so he knew where she was hiding. He didn't say or do anything to reveal her presence though.

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Heart pounding frantically, she slowly raised a shaking hand to her heart, wishing for it calm.


"Ya know you kinda suck. if you havent noticed im quite forward and this is my turf, ill do as i please thanks. you're absolutley not my boss" she said turning to Robbie

@Rvan group

"Relax, I'm not bossing you around. And last I checked, this building was not sold to you. I suppose if I, a sniper against the government you're trying to take down, am not wanted, I can leave and score myself a new ride," Robbie said, thinking back to the moto officials.

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She glanced at the boy (Nolan) close to her, praying he wouldn't see her; or worse, like revealing her to everyone.


Nolan knelt down (I assume she's crouching or sitting or something) next to Vivian. "I know you're there," he whispered.

@Rvan group

Robbie started to exit the window he came from, holding up his pistol with a wave, "Ta-ta, farewell, and bon voyage. And Jordan, was it? I'll be taking care of those government officials for you."