forum "Do butterflies have birthdays?" OXO MXM (OPEN)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

"o-ok" Tylan follows charlie, wanting to hold his hand, but deciding not to because it was a short walk and it would probably be awkward.

@CaseyJ group

"O-ok… thanks" Tylan smiles softly before leaving the car, going into his dorm. Luckily his roomate wasn't there, which was one thing he wasn't ready to deal with. He got changed and packed a small bag with more clothes, so he wouldn't have to come back for a while. He also grabbed his school bag, before heading back out to the car.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Charlie was jamming out to Whitney Houston when Tylan came out. He shut off the music and looked at Tylan, "Ok I have to study before football practice so I was wondering if we could go to the library for a few hours. Then I can either drop you back at my dorm or you can watch my football practice. Then I'll wash up at home and we can go on a date." Charlie realized something, "Sorry did you have any plans?"

@CaseyJ group

Tylan nodded, then shook his head, "N-no I…never have p-plans" He looked at the ground, before getting in the car, his bag in his lap.

(Um, not really, just… gay? lol… nothing dramatic)

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

They get to the car and drive to the football practice field, "Well its what I do. Or at least that's what everyone wants me to do." Charlie sighs, "Can I tell you something? I do enjoy football and yes I got a full ride to here for it but what I really enjoy doing is painting. But can you imagine if I told everyone that. Some guys on the team can't stand the fact that I'm gay. Most of them are cool with it but they make fun of me because I'm studying to become a young development professional. But I've always loved teaching and helping little kids. I did it with all my little siblings."

@CaseyJ group

Tylan nodded, "I… w-well…" He lowered his voice, "you shouldn't care what others think…. I mean… I … I don't have any friends…but…I think you should do what you love, not what your expected to do. I mean… I would keep playing football if I were you…but… paint in your free time…I would love to see your art." He glanced over at Charlie, that was probably the most he had talked without stuttering to the other.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

We pull up to the football field and I smile, "I will. I have to go change but you can go sit in the bleachers."

10 minutes later I'm on the field for practice. I seem to fit in with most of the guys except a couple.