forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 2 followers


Liam took the butter out the fridge as well as the strawberry jam for himself and brought it over to the counter. He buttered both pieces of bread and put the jam on the other, “Here.” He offered the piece with just butter to Cyrpus.


Cyprus looked pretty content with his toast, usually licking his lips between bites. It wasn't the kind they used to serve in his kingdom, but it was still good


“I think you’ll enjoy Game day,” Liam said as he washed up, “It’s really fun and I doubt you’ve been to one before so it’ll be new, unless you have been to something like this then that’s cool too.” He started to ramble a little about the fair and the games before realising what he was doing, “Sorry, I talk too much.”


"No, no, it's okay. Continue," Cyprus encouraged, smiling as he spoke. "I like listening to you talk, and I like this game day you seem excited about."


Liam smiled, "Alright, if you're sure. The food for me is one of the best parts, since they never really have too much junk food on campus, well they do but not like they do today."


"That's good to hear, since there's lots of food. Not only form here but other places in the world as well… I guess you could say it's a cultural event at times too." Liam said, shrugging one shoulder.