@Spring group
Stormpaw nodded and sighed, "They might, who knows…maybe you can tell Swiftstar what's happening? I mean, probably not because being loyal to out clan and..stuff." after a few heartbeats, Cloudypaw, Barkclaw, and himself finally made it back to camp. As soon as Cloudypaw took a pawstep into camp it seemed as if there were no cats that lived there at all. The clan feel eerily quiet as all eyes were on him and Cloudypaw. He fell the silver molly press into him softly, he only looked up at Barkclaw who was staring over at his mother and Swiftstar, the two seemed to previously be eating together, a half-eaten rabbit lay at their paws. "Swiftstar." his mentor meowed, "Stormpaw found a ThunderClan apprentice on our territory, she is injured and seemed to be under-fed. We also saw Scorchfeather and Rainfrost with another scratched up apprentice." –it was so quiet. you could even hear the thumping of a rabbit racing across the moor. so quiet in fact the even the kits (im talking about the new kits, Wolfkit, Hopkit and Rainkit. not Vixenkit lol) in the nursery where silent.– "Scorchfeather told us to take their two apprentices here. Even if I am not your deputy, I recommend that we return these apprentices before tomorrow's sunrise." Stormpaw looked over at his mother who looking over at the Swiftstar. Swiftstar seemed to taking in what Barkclaw had just told her, before the WindClan leader had a chance to speak, the scent of Mistpaw, Owlheart and….Flamepaw! Flamepaw decided to come along! this is great! we can catch up! Stormpaw purred but he stopped abruptly when he smelt fear scent coming from Cloudypaw. "w-what's wrong?" he whispered, bending his head down a little to be at the ThunderClan cats height. Cloudypaw turned to look at him with glossy, icy blue eyes, her small rounded ears where pulled back. she seem terrified about one of the cats that returned… it was probably Flamepaw….now he was less excited to see his friend.