"I…I know." Ryver turned and looked at Lila. "I promise i will stay in the car."
"Thank you," Lila said. The light turned green and she drove on, turning into the parking lot of the cafe. She looked at Ryver as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "Do you want to come with me or stay here?"
"I will stay here." Ryver answered
"Cool." Lila reached back and grabbed her shoulder bag from the back seat. "I'll be back." She got out of the car, swung the bag over her shoulder, and started walking towards the cafe, her demeanor hard. A few people she recognized were in there and few people she didn't. She walked in the door at 12:30 sharp. "How the hell did you guys get in here?"
Ryver sat there and decided to just play on her phone.
“Door was open,” Bastian said as if it were obvious. He messed idly with the sleeve of his jacket, not really wanting to be there much
Axtin nodded in agreement.
"Got in the same way as you, miss," he replied, eyes flickering between Lila and Bastian.
"All right then. You all ready to go?" Lila asked, hands on her hips.
"Not everyone is here yet," Axtin said as he took a seat beside Bastian, wrapping an arm loosely around the taller man's shoulders.
"Ah, great. It's – " Lila looked at her phone, "12:31 and not everyone is here. Fabulous."
"Cool it, it's only a minute late," Axtin commented, slight irritation in his tone. Lila seemed like quite the uptight person in comparison to himself. It was weird…
"Actually, I told everyone to be here at midnight. To give you all plenty of time to get here. And don't tell me to cool it," she snapped at the boy. "You don't know what we're dealing with here."
Ryver decided to text Lila to see if it was all going alright.
“Wait, I need to text Yesim, because… Well i just do.” Rain said sleepily and took out her phone.
"And that's why you're here," he said in a snarky tone. "I really don't want to make an enemy out of anyone here, so please if you'd not talk down to anyone… Well, that'd be great," Axtin finished, sitting in a more relaxed manner.
"I'm not talking down to you, you just legitimately don't understand what's at stake here. Pardon me for trying not to get you all killed." Lila took out her phone and texted Ryver, 'Not everyone is even here yet. So things are going great.'
alright Ryver responded and put her phone down.
"Maybe it would've helped if you told us what the fuck we're all doing here," Asura said, digging his nails into his palms as he tried and failed to keep his temper under wraps.
Rain gave Asura a weird look, meaning “Calm the fuck down.” Even tho she wasnt calm either. In fact, one of her eyebrows was up the whole time, which means, she is annoyed.
Lila turned to Asura, her face stormy but calm. "I will tell you when we are in the car and en route. Not before. And if anyone doesn't want to come," she said, turning to face the rest of the room, "the door is right there." She gestured towards it.
"Well, we're all here, so shut it with the big talk and start saying the important stuff. I don't have all night," Bastian huffed
"Why? What does it matter?" He growled, feeling his body heat up with anger as he spoke, muscles tense, blood trickling down his palms. He took a deep breath and looked down at his shoes, wiping his hands on his jeans as he attempted to calm down. Amber had been gone for weeks, and he was tired of being pushed around, having secrets kept from him when all he wanted to do was find his friend and never talk to most of these people again.
The smell of blood quickly hit Bastian's nose, and he looked around for a moment before finding the source. His eyes narrowed a bit at Asura's hands, but his expression quickly softened. He discreetly rummaged through his jacket pocket for a moment, eventually fishing out a small towel and passing it to Asura under the table
'Because I don't want you guys to get hurt,' Lila thought, but didn't say. "Because it just . . . does," she snapped. She took a small, almost unnoticeable breath. "Okay, are we ready to go?"
Aleena nodded uncertainly “as ready as I’ll ever be.”