(Okay so I can definitely make Wendi a daughter of Hecate if that allows everything to wrok out.)
(Okay so I can definitely make Wendi a daughter of Hecate if that allows everything to wrok out.)
(Just happy of how flexible you are. There is nothing wrong with smiling. Even though you know your school is going to fail. You keep a smile on and tell everyone that it’s going great. It’s not going great. It’s going to fail. But it’s fine.
(You are so optimistic. I Love That! :D)
(Haha, yeah! :D So, rp?)
(Yeah rp)
(Let's do this!)
(So. Who volunteers as tribute to start?)
Alex stumbled into the arena and drew her swords whirling around looking for the attacker. "Whats happening?"
Wendi was running through the labyrinth. She used the mist to try and move the walls into her favor, however it didn't work out as she fell into an arena of sorts.
"I have no idea!" Teri shouted to Alex.
Alex turned hearing Teri yelling. She then saw a girl falling out of an opening. Alex ran towards the girl only to have to duck under the monsters swing. "Who are you"
Wendi looked up at the girl talking to her. She couldn't trust her, what if she was one of them. She shook her head and backed into a wall.
"Hey hey its ok" Alex said seeing that the girl was scared "My name is Alex, I just want to survive"
"I-I'm Wendigo," she stuttered out.
Teri rushed over to Alex and the strange girl, "What's going on?"
"Ive got no idea" Alex said to Teri "How did you get here?" She asked Wendigo
"I-I don't remember," Wendi began to cry.
(Question: Is Mihala trapped and the one that put them in the arena a fake or is she the real Mihala but Possesed.)
"Can we make this quick? I don't know how long I can hold these guys off!" Tealle yelled and shot a few of the monsters and ducked to avoid a swing from one of them before drawing her bow and grabbing the arrow. She drove the arrow into the monster's stomach and it turned to dust. More filled it's place and Tealle picked them off one by one, growing more weary by the second.
"Can you fight?" Alex asked "If we all survive this we may be able to help get you to camp half blood"
Teri looked over at Tealle, "I think the Mihala that lead us here was a fake or maybe she was possessed. I don't know. So now we are stuck in this arena with a strange girl that fell from the ceiling!"
“Well this is fun.” Elizabeth grumbled.
"Can you fight?" Alex asked "If we all survive this we may be able to help get you to camp half blood"
"Y-Yeah," Wendi nodded, "I've survived th-this long on my own."
She pulled out her two celestial bronze daggers, a gift from her mother.
"Really? What clued you into Mihala being fake? The huge monster or the fact it threw us down here?" Tealle said sarcastically, "Now could you please help? I can't do melee well, if the incident with Liz didn't clue you in, and I need help, they're too close for me to get them all effectively!" Tealle stumbled as she was whacked in the side of the head and fell to the floor. She shakily drew back her bow and shot it.
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