(Good idea)
(Good idea)
(Good idea)
(Ok) Alex moved over to Phoebe. "Kaden get over here, we can try to help with her bones" She said to both Kaden and Ryker
"Right, right," Tealle muttered. She looked over Pheobe and found multiple ribs were broken, as well as her right leg. She poured some ambrosia into Pheobe's mouth to help her heal faster and made a splint for her leg. She prayed Pheobe would wake up so she could see if anything else was wrong.
(Did everyone forget about Mihala?)
(No, but seriously, did yall?)
"How?" Ryker questioned, pacing. "You know what, nevermind. Just do it."
"Yeah, anything will help, she's pretty beat up," Tealle said.
Kaden rolled his eyes. He took Elizabeth with him and left her a few feet away. He knelt by his sister. "I have to warn you, I've never done this before. So there are three possible outcomes, nothing happens, I help her, or something goes horrible wrong."
"Tealle, Ryker do you think you can hold her still? just in case she wakes up" Alex said as she held her hands over Phoebes ribs
Tealle nodded and helped hold down Pheobe.
(Okay everyone forgot Mihala okay then.)
Ryker nodded. He didn't like taking orders, but right now he couldn't afford to be stubborn. He placed his hand on Phoebe's shoulder and held her hand with the other.
(Okay everyone forgot Mihala okay then.)
(No I just think they are a bit preoccupied with Phoebe and Liz) "Here goes nothing" Alex said as she willed one of the ribs to move back into its place. She heard the bone pop, and she willed it to mend.
(HEY I’M ALIVE-I DIDN’T CHOKE and no, Abigail, we did not forget about Mihala, it’s just that Phoebe is dying and others are injured.)
Teri said, "Hey, Mihala's still stuck in a pit."
Kaden ran a hand through his hair. He held his hands over her leg. He couldnt do much harm there right? Well, except paralyze her in that leg… Let's hope that won't happen.
"Yeah, and Pheobe might be in one soon if we don't heal her!" Tealle snapped back.
"We're a little preoccupied right now, Teri!" Ryker snapped, turning his head to the side to look at her out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head back to Phoebe.
Alex moved to the next rib and willed it to move back into its place. all of a sudden her vision began to fade, she began to hear ringing. She passed out and began to shake
Kaden couldn't believe he was going to be the nice one. "Once Phoebe is healed enough we'll go get her. But I would suggest one of us stay here Phoebe. She won't be in any condition to do, well, anything for a while."
Ryker looked at Alex. "Di immortales," he said. He looked at Kaden. "Kaden, looks like its up to you,"
"Alex?! Oh great, this day just gets better and better!" Tealle grunted and carried Alex off of Pheobe so she wouldn't be hurt any more than she already was.
"Ryker, you're a d**k." she said
"Snappishness: not cool."
Alex came to on the floor. Crap "W-what happened?" She asked looking around
"Thanks, that's exactly what I need to hear right now," Ryker said sarcastically.
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