(The cyclopeses are way too stupid to play dead. They'll probably just shout and then chase after them again. Also, @Ladyabby that's an awesome plan but you're going to make me feel. I agree with the doing over of the scene.)
(The cyclopeses are way too stupid to play dead. They'll probably just shout and then chase after them again. Also, @Ladyabby that's an awesome plan but you're going to make me feel. I agree with the doing over of the scene.)
(Oh wow your timing is great.)
(Is that sarcasm? I'm pretty sure my timing sucks lol)
(That wasn’t sarcasm. xD)
(Welp. Yay, I have good timing XD)
(So we’re gonna redo the scene?)
(Yeah, I think that's a good idea.)
(I think we should wait for everyone else though before we start.)
(@Ladyabby and Abigail Dara are rping in other rps. Okay wow that sounds stalkerish. I apologize.)
(Haha no I was about to say that too. I'm in two of the RPs they're RPing in and everyone can see their names on the forum XD)
(Hi! :D)
//morning I’m not in this rp but morning
(Good morning)
(So… how do you kill a cyclops?)
(In the Sea of Monsters, they defeated the cyclopes… well, Tyson defeated the cyclopes by throwing him off a cliff. If my memory serves me correct. We're in a hotel so we could somehow throw them out of it. Maybe they could get a massive hole in the hotel and run away back to America because they don't want to get caught?)
(Well… there is a entry to Tartarus in USA isn’t there?)
(Exactly. And there isn't one in Canada, from what I know of.)
(Perfect. That’s a really good idea! :D Is there a way that Elizabeth could get a really long and deep cut on left forearm though?)
(Thanks! Maybe someone could swing at the cyclops, but miss and accidentally cut Elizabeth? Just because I'm pretty sure cyclopeses use clubs and I feel like it would create a bit of a rift between Elizabeth and the person who cut her.)
(… you’re a brilliant person. ^claps^ Now I’m really excited. xD)
(Tealle could cut Elizabeth's arm, since she's crap at using swords)
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