Started by @raven_beechwood

people_alt 33 followers


I'm in the mood right now for a cute and cuddly roleplay.. honestly this is my aesthetic au so pleeeaazze join in! We can have a huge like 170 person roleplay aww man
(PS Please label your character, preferably with a name and then how they fit into the story
ex. JUSTIN - BRINGER OF CHIPS or ISABELLA - CUTE GIRL WITH REALLY LONG HAIR) Also there can be more than one of these people so lets say @personal1 starts their part off with 'CHRISTINA - SMART MATH GIRL', then someone else lets say @personal2 can also continue with 'CHRISTINA - SMART MATH GIRL'. Got it? Yay! (◠_◠✿)

So basically this is at a movie night sleepover, I'm the first one there (the host of the party is somewhere else, idk) and I'm sitting in their nice basement on their couch. It's cold so I've stolen all the soft fuzzy blankets and pillows and piled them on top of myself. You can see me but I'm cold so it's just my face under a mountain of fuzzies.

**snuggles in deeper** "Brr…"


walks down stairs to the basement and finds Heather "You cold hun? You look like a mountain of fluff." attempts to find an open spot on the couch


" I brought CHIPS! Oh so we cant all share the blankets!?! No fair! snatches blanket from the top of the pile and giggles


"Ohhhhhh" Peaks under blankets as well "Hi!"

BTW I have to go to my next class so I won't be here again till this time Monday, bye!


"Well it doesn't matter to me- unless its horror- I'm just glad I didn't have to babysit the twins!" says with eyes wide open- thinking about her twin sisters-Penny and Piper


Sheyna- Cute and girly, but also pretty dumb.
Walkes up to Meino and continuously pokes him, giggling. "How did you get here?"


"Oh. Hey, best friend!" Skips over to Lizzie and flops down on the beanbag "I brought candy!" - Takes out a bag of M&M's - "Want some?"


GRACIE- The loud one that makes people laugh
Gracie walked in, and sits on the floor beside the couch. "Hand me some M&M's!"


Meino relucantly opened his eyes and looked at theperson whose voice sounded filimar "Sheyna is it? I drove here." Meino looked a bit confused about the question.


Sheyna giggles at Meino's reply. "I know that, silly." She then leaves the room in search for a bowl to pour the M&M's in.


Gracie pulls out her phone, quickly taking a picture of everyone off their guard. She then laughs to herself and grabs a pillow.


Sheyna gave Meino a frown. "I meant where did you get that blanket?" She sighed. "I now realize that I said my question wrong. Sorry, Meany!"