forum a series of adventures with some serious adventurers (closed!)
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@Dragoncita group

((OOC: You are completely fine Rose. Just continue to focus on yourself, so not to fall behind on your own life.
Very well then, I shall make a post soonish then))

@Dragoncita group

The Elven Guild Lass moved back behind the desks at the time. She had handed the papers to one of the other lasses to post on the boards while taking care of other business. The youngest of the lasses, a blonde haired girl was clearly struggling trying to fight through the members while pinning the quests and marks on the board. Nearby, a red-headed lass was speaking to what must've been a returning party, giving them their pay while, waving them away after.

Ledea paused, taking a moment to tidy her space on the desk, before the voice of a woman drew her attention. Soon following, another followed behind, a young gentleman approaching, raising his hand to also gain her assistance. Ah, perfect, 2 new members, or hopefully, to join the Guild's ranks. Much easier to work with them while they're together than one-by-one, and considering this pair will probably be joining forces with the third member and the one whom would be their Mentor.

Respectfully, she gave a slight bow to the pair of them, straightening again, smiling to the both of them, "Greetings, and welcome to the Igreacan's Adventure Guild!"

Ledea glanced towards the woman who introduced herself as an 'ex-bard', taking the offered papers. The elven female flipped through the pages, green eyes carefully scrutinizing everything, despite the speed she was going at, having vision trained to look and distinguish through such papers.

As she did look through the papers, the man behind the woman asked about a 'Superior'. With clear years of experience, she responded, "The Guild Master? I'm afraid he is out on business."

As she finished paging through the papers, the elf carefully placed them in a pile, organized once again. Her green eyes shifted between the other woman and man before her.

"If both of you seek to enter the Igreacan's Adventure Guild, I already have a mentor set aside to begin you on your way to becoming members of our Guild. Though if you have any questions about the Guild, its members, our history, do feel free to ask."

She would wait patiently for the pair to choose their next words. Times before she had young individuals come in, all excited, just wanted to get started, as others did have questions. She just had to find the precious time to juggle between replying and focusing on her own work for the Guild.

Not that it ever bothered Ledea, having grown accustomed to explaining certain things and the such about the Guild, what the stood for, and so forth.

Deleted user

"Well I guess a mentor is a good enough place to start as any. And where are they anyways?" Evelyn asked,looking around the room. She saw a tall one eyed dragon kin in the shadows, and just his looks made her shudder. She'd hate to be on his has side that's for sure. "I'm easy going and good at making friends too so just direct me over and I'll be on my way." She smiled sweetly, tightening her grip on her guitar case,knap sack over her back and satchel bumping into her hip.

Deleted user

Out on business? Damn. But the more he dwelled on that information, he couldn't help but chuckle at the irony; so was he. Fun to get a taste of his own medicine.

But then the elf steered the conversation towards application to the Guild, and the proposition surprised Aeolus. He took a moment to mull over his choices. If he couldn't talk with the Guild's leader, then he couldn't get the information he needed concerning his marks directly — he'd need to find alternative means of acquiring the intel. Maybe he could go undercover? He wasn't immediately recognized as a member of the Ash Brigade, making him doubt that the Brigade had any presence in Igreacan, let alone influence. But to be assigned a mentor? He was already a skilled fighter, and he, admittedly, had never had to pretend to suck at something.

Consider the alternative, he thought to himself. What if he was just upfront to the elf, or to the mentor? His brow furrowed — the only external evidence that there was an internal dilemma being resolved. If he divulged his reasons and they didn't know anything, or even were against his mission, well… it'd be a risky move. He decided he wouldn't take his chances.

Aeolus lifted his head and smiled at the elven woman. "That would suffice, then, yes. The lady beside me asked my next question for me," he replied lightheartedly, taking a breath as he cast a second glance at the lurking draconian man in the corner. Part of him hoped that that man wasn't going to be the mentor; he doubted he'd be able to keep up the facade for long if that were the case.

@Dragoncita group

Perfect! Least they seemed ready, willing, and able to begin.

For a moment, Ledea noticed the man's pause. His features seeming to change for a moment. Perhaps he was just having second thoughts of joining the guild. Well, he did seem slightly disappointed about being unable to speak to the Guild Master. The female was slightly curious as to why this man would seek the Master out, however, it was none of her business. Though Ledea would be sure to remember this interaction, for possible future events. Always best to remain ready should something come up that this information would prove useful then.

The elven woman took a moment to look between the pair before her as they both seemed curious of who their mentor was to be. Though, Ledea also noticed out of the corner of her eye, the pair had already noticed the one who would be overshadowing them when out in the fields of work.

"Please, if you will just follow me."

Ledea then turned on her heel, expecting the pair to follow her.

She led them across the floor of the guild, as Dur'kiir had of course chosen a place as far away as possible from the commotion of the other guild members. Ledea approached him as he sat in his corner, dark ashen gray hair falling over his face, the edges of his hair almost a burnt sienna brown/orange in color to contrast the dark gray.

He had just started to doze off, somehow managing despite all of the noise, when the sound of several approaching footsteps made him wake back to reality. The large Dragonkin yawned, both feeling and hearing his jaw open with a loud crack. Well, maybe he should have that checked out again at some point…hell, should have all the old wounds, scars, just everything in general, be checked on again. It would especially be in his best interest now, being pulled out of his retirement so suddenly.

The male lifted a armored hand upwards towards his face. He lightly rubbed the underside of his jaw, which was covered in black scales. He continued to massage the area for a few moments, before returning his hand to the top of the table. His gaze shifted, noticing the approaching Guild Lass, two new members trailing close on her heel.

Almost instantly, Dur's single, fiery orange orb for an eye narrowed, pupil becoming a thin slit. As for his blind eye, it seemed to also focus on the approaching group. Though having no sight, it almost felt as if the sightless eye could still scrutinize whatever fell in its sight. A forked tongue slipped past his lips, testing the air. Hm, as far as he could tell, both of them were humans, but other than that, nothing really out of the ordinary.

Ledea came to stop a few feet away from the Dragonkin's table. She gave a slight bow to him, then straightening again. The elven woman took a step back, allowing both the man and woman to be clearly seen by the battle-worn Dragonkin.

"This is Dur'kiir, he will be your mentor and guide here in the Igreacan Adventure Guild."

Dur'kiir glanced over towards Ledea, then back to the ones before him. Both were young…well, compared to him. He had seen even younger individuals join the Guild, normally ones in mid to late teens. Eh, long as they were a controllable young, not the kind that dove into everything headfirst, course they could prove him wrong on that. There were always ones who had no sense of calculating situations first…he himself having once been guilty of that in his younger years…

"Dur'kiir has been a member of the Igreacan Adventure Guild for well over a few thousand years now. He has earned himself as a Platinum rank adventurer in the Guild, the highest one can achieve."

A low huff suddenly came from the nearby Dragonkin, his gruff voice suddenly speaking up, "Think that's enough Ledea, pretty sure the kids didn't come to hear about the history of an old war vet that isn't very relevant any more."

The elven woman suddenly bowed again, "I'm sorry, forgive me Dur'kiir'. Well, I shall leave you to it then. Just come to the board when you are ready to find a quest to begin."

Then without another word, Ledea straightened and returned to her place at the Guild's front desks.

Dur'kiir watched as Ledea took her leave, then back towards the young man and woman in front of him. He shifted slightly in his seat, his tail snaking out from behind him, coming to curl around the leg of the chair which he sat upon. He leaned back slightly, suddenly sweeping an arm in front of him, motioning towards the chairs tucked in at the table which he sat.

"Feel free to sit if ya want, or stand, which ever makes you most comfortable."

One thing, it would be best try and ease them in, try to make them at least feel welcomed, something which Dur was definitely not good at. Didn't help considering what his dragon parent was, Doom Dragons were not beasts to be trifled with, having been banished long ago.

At least he was trying…

"Guild Lass Ledea has already introduced me; Dur'kiir. Either of you are free to introduce yourselves now."

Probably not the best way to put it, but Dur'kiir was used to a more blunt approach.

Deleted user

Evelyn was terrified. And then she remembered. She has made warlords laugh at her or with her, and she's good at reading people. He seemed like the type of person who wouldn't like her usual spontaneous nature at first, so best to play his game first. "Why hello there! Geeze, and I thought you only lived in history books now. It's an honor to meet the very man my old guitar has sang many a tune about. I'm Evelyn,ex bard whose tired of getting the table scraps. Just here to make more of a name for myself." She gave off a soft smile,not wanting to be too overbearing as she has a tendency to do so.

Deleted user

As the elven woman — Ledea, he would be told her name was — guided him and his newfound companion towards the armored Dragonkin, he felt his heart sink into his chest. Of course, of course his mentor was going to be the intimidating old warrior, whom else would fate choose for him? To his slight relief, the ex-bard beside him seemed about as overjoyed about the situation as he was. All Aeolus had to do was stay calm and stay low.

Ledea introduced the Dragonkin warrior as Dur'kiir, Platinum rank adventurer, and the new mentor of these two poor souls. He took a seat across from Dur'kiir, a hand resting on his satchel to keep it close, and listened as the ex-bard, Evelyn, introduced herself. To him, she had seemed to be the exact kind of person that would annoy Dur'kiir with the spontaneous and exciting air she gave off, but he noticed that she was restraining herself. Smart. He kept that in mind. But now came his turn.

"And I am Aeolus," he answered calmly, carefully, after Evelyn gave her response. He decided it'd be reasonably safe to use his first name, and offered only his first name as he dwelled over a good last name to use as a cover in the event it was requested of him. "It's a privilege and a pleasure to be learning from one of the best, but you don't sound like one for panegyrics. I'm here to learn to defend myself in a world that seems to become more dangerous every day."

@Dragoncita group

First thing was clear, Dur'kiir was indeed observing both of their every movements, down to even the simplest twitch. No matter if he only had vision in one eye, there were just things one learned to pick up on and 'read' so to speak.

Both carried different airs about them. The young woman who introduced herself as 'Evelyn', seemed to be the rather cheerful type. Ah, a bard, that would explain it then. Not very often one found a laidback bard, more often than not, the lot seemed to be loud and rather pushy at times. His patience would most certainly be tested with her.

Then the man who introduced himself as 'Aeolus'. Kid didn't look like much, lanky yet athletic. Probably wouldn't be able to stand up to a frontal confrontation if it came to it (Yes, Dur'kiir was already considering battle confrontations for them). Yet, despite lack of muscle, most likely the man excelled elsewhere. Not everything had be about brawn.

"Ah, most likely the songs sung of my party when we destroyed the Black Dread."

For a moment, the Dragonkin's fiery orange eye dimmed down to a dull ember. Yes, that day was both of joyful singing, but also lamentation…not everyone of his party had made it…

Though the male was quick to dismiss the woe that struck his heart. He brought his hand upwards, covering his mouth as a rough cough escaped his maw. Keen eyes would've also noticed the small streams of what appeared to be black smoke slip past the corners of his mouth, being quickly wafted away by a near non-existent breeze in the Guild. The tip of his tail twitched slightly, the sharp ridged spines lining it bumping against the chair slightly, nicking the wood. It was of course on accident, plenty of times his tail caused more trouble than it was worth.

Once again, his orange eye renewed with its fiery glare, pupil thinning into a slit. His hand had returned to the surface of the table, resting there. Dur'kiir tilted his head back, glancing towards the one who called himself 'Aeolus'.

"Aye, you're correct. I've had enough praise and singing to last long past my age. Dragonkin like myself do not age like humans. Our blood being part dragon, we have lifespans that long outlive your own, hence why Ledea said I've been around for several thousand years, when I've been around for close to 16,000 years…hell, don't remember my exact age."

He paused in thought for a moment, lightly tapping a finger, the metal hitting the table with a soft thud as he pondered. Though he didn't remain in thought for too long.

"So, to begin, I should ask what roles do either of you see yourselves in? Roles, I mean are you one of those who prefers staying back and supporting your party, frontal assault, or waiting patiently before striking?"

Dur'kiir took a moment to shift in his seat, armor creaking, "As an example, I'll use myself. I prefer striking the enemy front and center. I was the one who purposefully threw myself into the fray, gaining each and every enemies enmity. I risked both life and limb, so that my party could get what needed to be done. Most often two members focused on picking off enemies one-by-one, the other often staying back and supporting us with healing and buffing our own abilities."

"Positioning is vital in situations. One wrong step, and someone might not be coming back home. So it is important to decide your roles, learn what to do with the role, and how you can help your fellow party members with your role."

A low huff escaped him, blinking slowly, "Now then, consider your own strengths and weaknesses before deciding where you best fit. There is also the option of trying a role, and if you don't like it, you can always change to something else. Take your time to decide, there is no rush."

Gods, he felt exhausted after all that, and it didn't even seem like he spoke that much…

Deleted user

"I'd actually wait. I'm a natural people reader." Evelyn said after a few moments of standing and rocking back and fourth on her heels. "So I'd want to study and see weak points on the enemy and also if I can assist a fellow team member where they are lacking, though I do not fear frontal assault if necessary. I've made Death Mongers laugh, and solved trolls riddles without so much as a flinch. You gotta be quick as a cricket if you wanna get anywhere in bardsmanship. Same thing on a battle field. Never ever stay in one place,become strong in all three. Don't be like a leopard,change your spots. That's where you're golden." She smiled at the look of slight shock on the Dragonkins face. She had been everywhere and nowhere, being a lot smarter than she actually looked,which she took with glee. Living as a constant surprise had saved the very skin off her ass more than once. She shifted the weight of her bag and her guitar case, waiting for her fellow now companions response to the dragon.

Deleted user

Aeolus pondered for a moment, taking note of Evelyn elaborating upon her uses in the battlefield. Well, his sword and dagger were by his side, giving away that he already had some skill in weaponry. If Dur'kiir was as astute as he thought, there'd be no point trying to lie in that area. Might as well just be honest. He met Dur'kiir's gaze, becoming uncomfortably aware of how keenly he was being observed, yet he did his best to stay poised.

He patted his sheaths, bringing attention to the weapons resting at his sides. "I'm more of a… hm. I consider my expertise to lie in staying hidden. My enemies to fall to the ground without them knowing who wielded the blade. It's efficient, I'd think, and gives me the advantage in multiple scenarios, allowing for an efficient kill that minimizes overall bloodshed. Upfront combat isn't my forte, but with that being said, I think experience in that area might serve me well. And," he added, lifting his eyepatch to reveal an empty, brutally scarred socket, "maybe I could learn a thing or two about fighting with a blind side, no?"

@Dragoncita group

If the young bard was trying to impress him with her words, she would be sorely disappointed. Dur'kiir's expression towards the woman once she finished was blank. There was no shock, no features showing he was impressed. Instead, his features were the same as they had been; a worn appearance with perhaps a hint of agitation.

His lips twitched slightly, fangs poking through. The tip of his tail twitched again, a slight tinge of annoyance. Patience, he needed to remain patient. The girl would need a lesson on how some react to speeches. She probably already knew, but it wouldn't hurt to keep her on her toes. Dur'kiir, however, would reserve that lesson for another time.

Some of what she had said was true, but there was also parts of her words that could be turned against her.

"Yet you failed to mention the reason a leopard has its spots, to blend in with its territory," the Dragonkin's voice was monotone, "As I mentioned, positioning is everything. There are times you will find yourself in a corner, and you can't move to adjust to a worsening scenario."

His gaze seemed to burn right into Evelyn's very body and soul, "You are thinking too much of what you can achieve alone, instead of considering what your fellow members can do as well. However, I am well aware that we are all just meeting, and have yet to determine our places. Just keep in mind, that we will be working together, instead of singularly."

Dur'kiir turned his head back to the man opposite of him and next to the bard. As he did indeed observe the other, his forked tongue once again flicked past his lips, testing the air. The occasional flick of his tongue probably was a bit strange to those who weren't used to such things, though there were reasons, considering what Dur was; being part dragon. Either way, the male could sense Aeolus' discomfort, one of many scents Dur'kiir easily found distinguishable. He did have a way of being intimidating without meaning to…

Ah, a backstabber then…perhaps that was a bit…uncalled for in his thoughts…

Assassins, rogues, whatever they wanted to call themselves, they could be useful in a party. Such a role had a way of getting information without being caught. Course, they were also more likely to be overpowered when directly confronted by pure brawn. Hence, they would most often stay to skulking in the shadows.

The Dragonkin returned to a mainly emotionless appearance. Even as Aeolus moved a hand upwards, removing the eyepatch to reveal a scarred hole where an eye once had been, Dur'kiir remained impassive. Instead, his own blind eye seemed to narrow in response. Unlike his good eye, there was no pupil in that milky white sea, but beneath that white, there seemed to be a barely seen flicker of embers, buried in the depths.

Kid made a fair point, fighting with only one eye had at first proven to be a challenge for Dur'kiir. Learning to respond to different cues on his left side, in order to just stay on top. Granted, he had an advantage, having way more advanced senses; hearing, scent, feeling the vibrations nearby to determine what was happening.

The Dragonkin gave a slight nod to the man, "I see, and indeed. It will be vital to focus your senses to that blind side of yours."

He suddenly lifted his hand from the table again. Dur turned his head, shifting it so his left horn was angled in the light. Clearly seen, a large crack ran down just from the base and seemed to fan out in a few more smaller cracks.

The Dragonkin tapped the horn lightly, "Though thinking for today, since we are new, perhaps some training then?"

Dur'kiir leaned back in his seat, "I have 2 options, we do combat exercise, or we focus on a tactical/mental exercise."

He would let them decide, Dur could work either way. Though, to be honest, anything with a more mental focus was not his strong point. Even in old age, he much preferred the old; 'Bash first, ask questions later'.

Deleted user

Aeolus brought his eye patch over the socket again, making minor adjustments to its placement before leaving it be. It had been years since he'd initially lost that eye, and it always gave him an odd feeling to be reminded of its nonexistence. The pain was never acute nowadays — at worst, the scars would act up and leave a dull ache in his head — but with the loss of one eye came an ever-persistent phobia of losing the other as well. His thoughts were interrupted by Dur'kiir's movement, however, and his attention returned to his mentor as he continued to speak.

For a moment the illuminated cracks in the Dragonkin's horn were the subject of his curiosity, but he knew better than to pry, instead taking the time to mull over the options Dur'kiir had presented the two with. A good mental exercise would give him insight into the thought process of his companions, which would allow him to gauge just how competent each of them were. Not that he saw either of them as stupid; he only wanted to know exactly how clever they were, and if he could be any more. It was unlikely that he'd have the upper hand against the Dragonkin, so he would have to be extra careful with his words, but he was curious about the cautions he'd have to take with Evelyn.

"A mental exercise might wake the brain up enough for some combat," he decided. "If Evelyn would be willing to as well, I mean."

Deleted user

(Yeah im a bit swamped in school work and i have 2 tests on friday that im trying to study for I promise i'll get a response up ASAP)

Deleted user

(alrighty! no rush, was just checking up on ya! good luck on those tests)

Deleted user

(Thank you and so sorry for keeping you guys waiting it's just especially with this one i want to apply myself to the best of my abilities)

Deleted user

(it's no problem, school's important! we'll be here when you get back :D)

@Dragoncita group

((OOC: Think I'll add one more member to join the party. Need a healer, or something like it lel. I'll put a skeleton up for them later and introduce them while waiting for Ev))