forum A Deck of Cards (6/6) (closed!)
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Deleted user

Welcome to the Kingdom of hearts! The Kingdom is lovely and beautiful! Until you see it with you're own eyes… The kingdom is in a war so it isn't the best place to be. You might be thinking "Where are the Spades, Diamonds, and Clubs?" Well…Their kingdoms were taken over by the Jokers. The Joker's were once allies of the four kingdoms until the new king came to power. He took them done one by one until only Hearts were left. The Joker's were now fierce and mean. Not like they used to be…Funny and nice. But the Joker king's son doesn't want to be mean and fierce. He missed his old life. His funny family. The queen of hearts son/daughter went out. She got caught by the jokers and was thrown into the dungeon where she met the Prince of joker's. He was there because his father said he was "too upbeat". The other kingdoms' prices/princess' were also there. They decided to team up and go against the Joker's.


  • Prince/ Princess Of Spades: Taken By @Wheel-of-Fortune .
  • Prince/ Princess Of Hearts: Taken By @I_Dont_know_who_I_Am .
  • Prince/ Princess of Clubs: Taken by @FanfictionFanatic
  • Prince/ Princess of Diamonds: Taken by @StarkSpangledBanner
  • Prince/ Princess of Jokers: Taken By no-one
  • Ace of Diamonds- @Not_So_Polite_Anarchist


Prince/Princess of:
(For Ace:) Ace Of:


  • Cursing is allowed. But not in every sentence. If that happens I will have to kick you out.
  • Shipping is totally aloud! Just please ask the person before you do.
  • No steamy scenes, please. Keep it all in PG 13
  • Anyone is allowed to join!

( @I_Dont_know_who_I_Am. Here we are)

Deleted user

(Actually, that spot is reserved- Sorry! Pick another one please.)

Deleted user

(You can! The only spot lest is Clubs. Prince tor princess?)


Name: Ally Salvador
Age: 18
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: She has light orangish/red hair with some streaks of blonde. It goes right below the collarbone and it's straight with a slight wavy to it. However, she usually wears her hair up in a space bun, some braids, or just a simple ponytail. Her skin is pale, but not so pale that it's pure white and she has freckles that dot her cheeks and her nose. Ally has a heart-shaped face and has a slight blush on her cheeks along with dark-brown eyes. She about 5'4 and has a kind of skinny, but not really build.
Personality: Ally is so chill and laid-back. She is very open-minded and willing to hear people out. She's not quick to judge and likes to take her time with things. She is optimistic and is always looking out for the good in people. However, she knows when and where to draw the line when things get out of hand. She is sensible, logical, and uses her common sense. There are just days that she just doesn't have enough energy to care and she is pretty self-confident in herself. Ally is also very loyal and will do anything for the people she cares about.
Likes: The Sun, Animals, Laughing, Music, Making Progress, Having Fun.
Dislikes: Rude people, Karens, the aftermath of rain, she just doesn't like the smell.
Hobbies: She is always trying to learn something new every day, and in her free time, she likes to paint or go exploring around the castle. She has a surprising tack for lockpicking due to the many times the chef has looked the door to the kitchen. She's decent at sword-fighting, horrible at archery, and has the potential for knife fighting
Prince/Princess of: Hearts
Backstory: Ally has a family of one brother, her mother, her father, and the occasional family friend that comes to visit. Unlike many others, she really isn't invested in becoming a queen or a royal. Instead, she likes to hang out in the village with her friends where she can appreciate the realness. Ally isn't really close to her family, yes she does love them, but they don't really hang out a lot. Her brother doesn't understand why she is the way she and is very snobby and ignorant. Her father doesn't really care as much and is very supportive of her no matter what and her mother doesn't really understand at all and is hell-bent on making her be like her. This causes Ally to have a very distant relationship with her mother and instead goes to her Aunt Julie for advice. Ally doesn't have a bad life if anything it is much better than other people have it. She tries to educate herself on some issues in order to help out other people and make life better for them as well.
Other: She has a pet German Shepard named Hachi who she is very close to.

Deleted user

(Hmm. Maybe. Ill think of a new character. So ill keep it in mind)


Name: Oliver Winslow (Ollie)
Age: 19
Gender/Pronouns: Male
Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual
Looks: Oliver has dark grey eyes, ash blonde hair with the tips dyed black, fair skin, dimples, and a cute smile. Him
Personality: Oliver is a quiet soul. He prefers reading and writing than playing sports but enjoys going horseback riding.
Likes: rain/thunderstorms, forests, early mornings when everything is asleep
Dislikes: injustices, dogs, thick blankets, campfires
Hobbies: hiking, reading, playing piano
Prince/Princess of: Prince of Diamonds
Backstory: to be revealed

Deleted user

( @Not_So_Polite_Anarchist? Would you like a role of an Ace? It's mostly the role of the head of guards. It can be any Kingdom's ace. Just on the Jokers.)

Deleted user

( @Not_So_Polite_Anarchist? Would you like a role of an Ace? It's mostly the role of the head of guards. It can be any Kingdom's ace. Just on the Jokers.)

I would love that!

Deleted user

(Ya. What Ace would you like to be? Diamond, Spades, Clubs, or Hearts?)

Deleted user

May I be of the diamonds?
And what would be my story? I was protecting the prince and I for captured along side him?