forum A Criminal Stole My Heart
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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ever heard of love at first sight well here you go your school has gone into lockdown the most wanted criminal has escaped prison and found his self at your school you and the other students are scared for your lives but when he makes contact with you something kinda clicks so you two start seeing each other secretly even know your dads a cop you two see each other whenever you can sneaking into each others windows whatever you can to get close to one another.


(Just scrolling through unreads and found this…I'm interested! question, is there any mature content? I'm not good with that….if not, I'm definitely interested in joining?)


Name: Theron Cast
Personality: Intelligent and quick-witted. He comes off as sarcastic and childish at times but only to those who only see him as a low-life criminal and those he is trying to deceive. When alone, he's quiet and calm.
Appearance: Dark black hair that curled. Light brown eyes framed by full lashed. Fair skin with freckles. He usually wears a black shirt and black jeans except when he's at home.
Talents: Knows how to read tarot cards
Fears: Clowns and living a worthless life
Likes: food and puppies
Other: lashes out occasionally but not in a way to hurt


"crapcrapcrapcrapcrap…." Theron ran through the halls, trying to steer clear of anyone. He hadn't meant to break into the Highschool, he just needed a place to stay while those after him looked around town. Now he had set off an alarm! He ducked into a hallway and tried to control his breathing, all he had to do was get out of here before anyone saw


Theron snapped his head up and scanned the area, not seeing anyone. He sprinted out of his hiding place towards the sound. He vowed no one was going to get hurt or die because of his actions.


(I'm sorry if I'm being picky or annoying but would you mind writing a bit more just so the story has a bit more context?)


(thank you!)
Theron jogged along the halls, ducking into darker halls to avoid being caught but also try to find a quicker way to the sound. He ran past a hall and backtracked, seeing a girl dragging her way along the floor. He walked towards her "I'm not going to hurt you, i want to help," he called before coming up beside her


She jumped back against a locker and looked away, Not meeting his eyes. ¨Your what I was running from¨ she said. Laura-Beth was terrified no doubt but at the same time she felt safe and she hadn't left that since her mother died.


"Yeah, I got that." He rolled his eyes "I wasn't chasing you. Look I don't want hurt anyone, I just need to wait them out." he glanced back at the window the cursed silently "yeah, I'm staying here…." he glanced back at her "is there a nurse that can help you?"


"No" she said. She was gonna regret this " on the other side of the school is the emergency exit and my car is right outside the door you'll be able to get away" she said. Trying to stand up but falling she didn't know why she was helping him but she felt she was obligated


Theron blinked a few times in confusion "is there a doctor that I can drive you to or something?" he glanced up when he heard yelling. "damn it…"