forum What kind of deities do your worlds have?
Started by @birsima

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My pantheon is a WIP, and as for now I've only created 4 Goddesses.
Also, my gods are much like the egyptian gods, they aren't immortal, they just have a longass lifespan (2000 years to be specific) and are not "incorruptive goodness", my goddesses can be jerks sometimes as they're forces of nature. But anyway, as for now I have… also my goddesses are dragon goddesses that can use human shape.

Laurel Nightshade (Dragon Goddess of the Underworld, Judge of the Dead, Lady of Rebirth and Necromancy)
Anima/Anthony du Cronos (Dragon God/Goddess of the Sun, Trickery, Lies and Madness, twin brother/sister of amy (the most wonderful woman in the world))
Amrywen/amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) du Cronos (Dragon Goddess of Violent War, Battlelust, Combat, Berserkers, Patron of the Amazons and Cereal, twin sister of Anthony)
Liath Lukrah (Dragon Goddess of the Moon, Theatre, Arts, Winter and Childbirth)

Any comment, critic or suggestion is appreciated!


Well, the mythology in my world is a little bit kinda really not exactly clear.
The dieties are Called Denmea and there are only three for this particular place, though more exist.
The three Denmea are Soen, Eaena, and Magen. Something to note, none of them are stuck in one Gender, they simply have preferred forms, so Eaena is usually seen as a female, and Soen is usually seen as a Male but they don't have to be one or the other. Magen doesn't have a prefured form so any and all pronouns work for them, I usually call Magen a he but people in universe call them all of the above and beyond. The Denmea are not over just one thing, they're all over all things but they each have different rolls to play, and different symbols associated with them.

Eaena is the main Denmea, if you need something your best bet is to pray to her. Her signature material is Silver, her job was to keep the other two in line and pick up any of the slack when the other too failed, she's the one who start's things and comes up with most of the Idea's. She is married to Soen and Her child is Magen. She's who you would ask for help when it comes to being a leader.

Soen's signature material is Gold. His job is to make Eaena's Idea's work, he's the science and logic guy. Married to Eaena. Father of Magen. He's the one you would ask for help with school work.

Magen's signature material is Obsidian. Their job is to keep things interesting, they are spontaneity and randomness. Child of Magen and Soen. He's the one you would Pray to if you wanted to stay safe but in a "Please don't destroy the boat I'm sailing in." way.

@Mojack group

Gatzi was technically a worshipped deity at certain points in their history.

Notably, ‘The Tree That Gives.’ A placeholder name for now.
Old times, medieval times - Gatzi has been around since forever. And though they go under many names, their most common, Old World name is Mhocta. Mhocta wasn’t a malicious god, in fact they rarely did anything bad at all. Instead, people from across the land would come to the tree, pray or make an offering. The offering could be physical, mental, or emotional. And Mhocta would grant their wish.
The tree was said to have been planted by another deity long ago, but this isn’t the case. In fact, the tree was a result of Mhocta, after a large battle, laying somewhere to rest. This ‘tree’ is essentially them healing again. Granting wishes simply because it is..entertaining, for them.

Their tree isn’t a normal one, either. It stands out in a field of sprawling grass and hills. It doesn’t even look like a normal tree, with its bark intertwining like vines to make up the base of the tree. At the top is a large, rose pink coloured flower, opening during full moons. It is said that Mhocta is strongest at full moons.
Many interpretations involve Mhocta being a feminine deity, taking on the form of a human female. This is true for the future, but maybe not present time. Their ‘true’ form is something that should not exist. Something that bends the barriers of reality, something that would break one’s mind to witness in full glory. Even partial showings tend to strike fear into any normal human.

After a plague struck, and Mhocta was unable to rid it, the people assumed Mhocta had done it. So they burnt them down, the tree.
This did not end well. It is an event not written in any of the history books, simply because there was no one left to write it down.

Now, fully restored, Mhocta becomes a..different deity. Instead, they have fewer worshippers now, and the worshippers worship for different reasons than before. They do not grant wishes. Instead, they present protection to this small group. In exchange for sacrifices.
It is not known why Mhocta stopped this, as they soon left for slumber, and were not seen again until modern times where they answered to a new name, Gatzi. They’re more of a former deity at this point, with no worshippers, but the past still exists…


The dragons in Astras, and also some of the elves, believe in a bunch of gods, the few I have created right now are:
Elena, Queen of the Gods, and the goddess of Light, Magic, Transformation, beauty, and peace.
Periwinkle, Goddess of water, calm, children, and innocence.
Phoenix and Wildfire: Same person, two personalities: Phoenix, Goddess of Fire, Summer, Warmth, and Grace. Wildfire: God of Fire, Destruction, War, and Anger.
Atlanta, Goddess of the Ocean, wisdom, new discoveries, and also shared water goddess responsibilities with Periwinkle.


I have nine deities so far. Most of their names are inspired by the Tamil language.
Aali is the Goddess of Light/ Imaul is the God of Darkness
Kiratu is the God of Death
Vasar- God of Fire/ Irama- Goddess of Water
Nila- Goddess of Earth/ Vanam- God of Sky
Kati- Goddess of Time
Kolaru- God of Destruction/Disorder
Uru- God of Creation (Genderless)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

i have a few deities in training, and a whole lot of similar things.
Holly- {Deity in training} of Winter
July- {Deity in training} of Summer
Star- {Deity in training} of Daytime.
they are born of deities, and then trained until they are ready to take over for their parents, or become a new deity entirely. Then the previous deity becomes mortal, although ages slowly, and lives out their life in a retirement group.
On the other hand, The Elementals aren't deities. But they are powerful, and have been worshiped in the past. These entities only have kids when they are ready to die. As soon as an Elemental is born, the previous Elemental of that element dies. Elementals can have kids with any humanoid species, or other elementals. There is a 50% chance that their kid won't be the next Elemental of that element. when i refer to their ages, it's not the amount of years they lived, but the age their body is. The current ones are
Yukio- Water, 16
Cimbeline- Fire, 17
Bion- Life, 18
Persephone- Death, 18
Asani- Chaos, 7
Serenity- Peace, 14
Caligo- Darkness, 16
Ciana- Light, 14
Amaterasu- Air, 8
Laurel- Earth, 10

@tazu group

The deities in my world are called Curators, immortal beings who maintain the natural order of the world. Each Curator is designated to a certain concept, like creation, souls, light, time, fate, gold etc. They're not worshipped like any other god because their existence isn't known to humans. When almost of the Curators were killed in a certain event in history, it caused a major disorder in the world and reality itself became distorted. The only Curators that remain are the Curator of Souls, Lady Death, and the Curator of Light, who disappeared off the edge of the worldand was assumed to have died.


So this is my character. The Guardian Star. They’re intersex and genderqueer (not important, but a fun fact) and they created the universe, humans and Helpers (which are basically angels.) they’re ancient (to give an idea, they started the Big Bang), but they’re only about 25 in human years. So basically Zora aging on steroids lmao. They let everyone they created know that they exist every hundred years or so, but they weren’t worshiped super hard (which is fine by them, they don’t like to interfere unless something like a natural disaster or genocide is going to happen) until the fifties, which is when things went south. Megachurches started popping up and claiming that the Guardian Star was some malevolent, jealous entity that you had to be protected from, ESPECIALLY if you’re trans (apparently they want to be the only trans/nby person/goddex, supposedly) They are quite fem actually, if my main characters hadn’t grown up worshiping Guardian (their nickname) they would have thought they were a she. They have a daughter (actually their sister’s daughter from their home universe, sister couldn’t take care of her so they took the kid in. Not sure how old the daughter actually is, but is about 7 in human years. Anyway, things go so south that in modern times (when my story is set) Lune (one protagonist, transfem) is actually getting conversion “therapy” from school. Star (other protagonist, cis girl) sometimes gets looped in, but always refuses to do anything but tell Lune how pretty she is and compliment her, much to the principal’s annoyance. (Yes they get together in the end lol)