forum Need help naming deities (closed)
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Deleted user

Goddess of Darkness
Goddess of Light
Goddess of Literature
Goddess of Nature
Goddess of Love
Goddess of Agriculture
Goddess of Gender Equality
Can I have some name ideas? Thanks


Hey! I've always been pretty good at naming things such as this, but instead of giving you names I'm gonna give you tips (hope you're okay with that). What I usually do is pick a language that, even if it isn't used in my story, has a sort of synchronization to it and my plot or characters. Then I look up different words in that language that mean things similar to who or what I'm naming. For instance, if I wanted to name the goddess of darkness and I chose Romanian, I would see what the word "dark" was in Romanian, then I would choose a word that corresponds with the character, we'll say "isolation" because I have no idea what your character is like. So, I would see what "isolation" is in Romanian, then I would mix and match the two words to create a name.
Or there's always looking up the Greek or Latin roots of the word, such as "darkness", and you could look up the root words to creating our English form of it.