@Becfromthedead group
I really want to share mine and hear about other people’s work as well. And if you want to share your thought process with your created religions too, go for it! I’ll post my stuff later when I actually have time.
I really want to share mine and hear about other people’s work as well. And if you want to share your thought process with your created religions too, go for it! I’ll post my stuff later when I actually have time.
Mine is still a bit of a work in progress, but I have one world that's divided up into 5 different nations. Each one has it's own pantheons, but they all kind of have different versions of the same gods and goddesses (it's kinda like how ancient Rome and ancient Greece have gods for the same thing but under different names, if that makes sense). They also have some deities that sort of reflect the nation and their values. For example, in Faralia- my nation that's like 90% desert, they have a desert goddess who doesn't exist anywhere else. Being a very pacifist nation, Faralians also don't have a god of war, which some of the other nations do have.
That's kind of all I have in a nutshell. Kinda toying with the idea of having one nation that's monotheistic. I don't really have much on the different religions yet either, and most of what I do have all pertains to the one nation where the main characters are from. That's probably a separate post though.
Oh, I like that. It seems to mirror real life pretty well.
So here's my pantheon
• Vosskevma [Vahs-kehv-mah]: Spirit Shepherd, Goddess who takes care of spirits in between lives, helps the living commune with the newly dead
• Per-Osti [Pehr-Austi]: God of Passing, Doorways, Unfamiliarity, Rites- “Death’s Escort”
• Helvdomm [Helv-dohm]: God who is Judge of the Dead “The Shadow Justice,”
• Leur-Addna [Lure-Ahd-na]: Goddess of Cycles, the Moon, Birth, Death, Reincarnation, patron of mothers
• Moordyff [More-Diff]: God of Wisdom, foresight, depth of the ocean, god of the deep
• Ondreiia [On-dry-ah]: Goddess of Quickness on one’s feet, mischief, intelligence, wind
• Kevaima [keh-vy-mah]: Goddess of war, lust, passion, the beating of the heart, rivers
• Teinefríd [Tyne-freed]: God of fire, enlightenment, resolution of conflict
• Epofyys [Ep-off-iss]: God of physical pain, earth, decay, disease
• Dol-Akri [Dohl-ahkree]: Goddess of psychological pain, sky and rainwater, storms, looming bad fortune
• Laetvjel [Light-vyell]: Goddess of happiness, joy, friendship, drunkenness, harvest
• Astasijah [As-tah-see-yah]: Goddess of pure love, wishes, protection from harm, the sun and stars
• Palainiev [Pal-eye-nee-ev]: God of winter, sleep, aging, the elderly, ice, bitterness, dying a peaceful death
• Miir-Kyne [Meer-kine]: Goddess of summer, music, hunters, wildlife, coexisting especially of different species
• Ny-Athruu [Ny-ath-roo]: Goddess of autumn, change, alchemy, smithing
• Ivorniach [ihv-or-nee-ahck]: Goddess of spring, physical health, healing
• Aedrek [Eye-dreck]: God of art, innovation, fear of the unknown, often considered the creator of dragons
• Fuerr-Dev [Fwer-Dehv]: Goddess of magic, power, superiority, riches, often considered to have given dragons their power
Basically, the gods are definitely real. They all seem to be morally ambiguous, but interpretation varies between people. The lore is that they got bored with immortality and eternity, so they created the earth as it is, along with humans and dragons, who represent wisdom and power respectively. The gods aren't cruel necessarily, but they can be neglectful and uncaring, paying attention to who and what they want on their own whim. They grant small favors and enhance human ability, but they really just do it because they like praise and offerings.
I have a weird type of pantheon. So there are three main gods, each presiding over a different plane of reality. Almath, the god of hell, Shizan, the god and protector of dead (tasked with taking souls and transporting them safely) Ishtall, the god of the afterlife, and Ammera, the goddess of god he earth (I have more gods in progress. I want to have a bunch :P). Above these gods are stationed twelve beings known only as they council. They are the ones who balance the good and evil in the world, if some villain gets to out of hand they will send a member of the judicum (beings nore powerful than gods) to eliminate them. Same as I’d a god gets too out of hand.
My pantheon is a WIP, and as for now I've only created 4 Goddesses.
Also, my gods are much like the egyptian gods, they aren't immortal, they just have a longass lifespan (2000 years to be specific) and are not "incorruptive goodness", my goddesses can be jerks sometimes as they're forces of nature. But anyway, as for now I have… also my goddesses are dragon goddesses that can use human shape.
Laurel Nightshade (Dragon Goddess of the Underworld, Judge of the Dead, Lady of Rebirth and Necromancy)
Anima/Anthony du Cronos (Dragon God/Goddess of the Sun, Trickery, Lies and Madness, twin brother/sister of amy (the most wonderful woman in the world))
Amrywen/amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) du Cronos (Dragon Goddess of Violent War, Battlelust, Combat, Berserkers, Patron of the Amazons and Cereal, twin sister of Anthony)
Liath Lukrah (Dragon Goddess of the Moon, Theatre, Arts, Winter and Childbirth)
Any comment, critic or suggestion is appreciated!
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