forum Special stop (Peculiar RP) [OPEN]
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 5 followers


Name: Joon Joshua Kwon, he goes by Joshua.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Korean
Looks: Pale skin, brown eyes, brown hair that never stays down (I’m not kidding, well unless you use like, a pound of hair gel), 5’11”.
Attire: An oversized gray hoodie, jeans, and probably some trendy shoes.
Personality: Funny, resourceful, empathetic, preppy, talkative, and sweet.
Flaws: Too trusting, keeps issues to himself, and he has… ^spins wheels of fears^ aquaphobia.
Talents: He knows how to knit. :O And he can debate, annnndddd he can art.
Hobbies: Knitting and debating.
Favorite Word: Tumbleweed.
Worst Fear: Genetically modified chickensaurous.
One Random Fact: He’s scared of chickens in general.
Other: Bi, Ravenclaw, no glasses.


Name: Martin Riverson
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: French, Japanese (Mostly french but has direct family from Japan although he doesn't look it that much)
Looks: Blonde messy hair, really pale skin, has a dimple on his left side only, looks very young for his age
Attire: A thin jumper sometimes with a collared shirt underneath, jeans, rounded glasses, gloves
Personality: Curious…like very curious, anxious, energetic, gets distracted way to easily
Flaws: Gets very distracted and finds it difficult to stick to a task, finds himself wandering off when he's in a group a lot, finds sympathy/empathy hard sometimes for some reason, anxious a lot and gets anxiety attacks
Talents:Climbing, Photography, Puzzles, Cooking/baking, piano
Hobbies: Climbing stuff/parkour type stuff, longboarding, photography/cinematography and editing, exploring places, Piano, cooking/baking
Favorite Word: depaysement (A french word for the feeling of being in another country)
Worst Fear: Cleithrophobia and a little bit of Claustrophobia, really bad germaphobia
One Random Fact: Has a twin brother who is currently living in Canada
Other: Bisexual (Kind of questioning if he's homosexual), Yes glasses he like cannot see without them, speaks several languages but mostly French, Japanese and English although his english is a bit sloppy

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(I just checked the weather; it looks like the storm is going to completely miss where I live.

Aw, I'm sorry… If I didn't sleep and had to hear everything, I'd hear barking dogs, angry cats, loud neighbors, sirens, and people driving by w/their music way too loud.)