forum About Vampires
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people_alt 102 followers

Deleted user

What do you think about vampires being able to reproduce like humans (s*xually) and also the way it is depicted in many stories (by biting someone, I mean)? I am thinking of not doing the whole 'undead creature' idea and just making them like humans but with superpowers and weaknesses. They will have their own culture and customs, though they will be different across the world.
I saw some articles saying a vampire baby will be a nightmare (paraphrased), so they don't think vampires should give birth (again, paraphrasing).
What do you think?

@SapphireMoondancer The World

It's really a your choice thing. The vampires I made are built from things I like and things I didn't like. If you want an overview of all the different aspects there is a Wikipedia article just listing the different types of traits for a vampires in media.

@tay_sweetwriter group

I think that it would be a really cool concept if your chose to do that!! I mean if it is explained that it is a sterotype that vampires can't reproduce and that they accually can that would be a really cool twist to a story if she got pregnant and thought she couldn't.

Deleted user

Thanks for the input :D I was worried that people won't like slightly non-traditional vampires, given the volatile reactions I have seen everywhere :P


If you read the Nightworld series, vampires there are able to reproduce both ways. If you're bitten, you stay frozen, if you're born, you age normally until you choose to stop. Also, born vamps aren't harmed by the sun, just weakened to basically human strength

Lisandre Premium Supporter

My main point would be, be consistent…. If they cannot bleed… they cannot reproduce. If they don't have heart beat… they cannot reproduce. To do so you need to establish a clear metabolistic sens and be consistant. Maybe only one of the two sex can reproduce metabolicly, the other via venom. Is there specific variables that need to happens for it to be successfull.
Do your female vampire ovulate and menstruate… how often? How does it manifest? Are they kinda undead and it's a once in a blue moon type of situation. If not, you need to establish some other magical bypass, cause it's the basis of nature.
If it's male driven toward human women…. well he still need body fluids. Which bothered me the most in the Twilight serie cause it was kinda establish or i understood that they had no body fluid anymore. Not the sex thing, the mecanic of it.
Also is the pregnancy a regular 40 weeks… or is their metabolism kicks it in another direction. Do the baby need to nurse, or it's straight to blood feeding. How fast do they grow and is there any super qualities to them. If born from one human parent, are they considered half vampire, dhampire?
Is there any competition between born vampire, biten vampire or\and dhampire ( half vampire)

In one of my story i do have a vampire male reproducing. Under very specific condition. Quickly and in a nutshell: His mate is a non-human half-goddess, daughter of the god of the underworld, who was impregnated then went to the world of the dead and back while the semen still inside of her, which re-animated it. Otherwise it would have worked. They know each other for some three and a half millenium, on and off and nothing till that moment. He is also one of the older vampire still alive, being born of two vampire some four thousand years ago, so he's ability remained, but somewhat diminished. They ( my MCs thought it would never happen nor possible and it lead to some difficult parting at some point.) Over centuries of relying on their venom, the vampire now alive in my world have become a dead race, they cannot reproduce anymore, but they can still add to their rank via their venom. Some of the most newer vampires have even completly lost the hability to even shoot blanks… The venom being transmitted having some powefull coagulating and vein restritive property. ( venom that is prized in traditionnal medecine and magical shabang). My half-goddess heroin, she is a phoenix dual immortal, meaning that she can be killed medically speaking, but she resurrects, gift from her father being the god of the underworld. She cannot die from natural. She is fertile and had other children previously and one other with the vampire afterward now that they knew the way to make it work.


I think it’s an interesting twist to make vampires more like humans but with superpowers and weaknesses. Allowing them to reproduce sexually opens up a whole new dynamic for storytelling, especially if they have their own culture and customs. It could lead to some fascinating conflicts or even societal issues, especially if vampire babies are rare or cause problems, as mentioned. The “undead” aspect doesn't have to be central to the concept—focusing on their differences from humans, like their powers and weaknesses, could make them feel unique while still being relatable. It could also add complexity to their society and interactions.