Hi, Sorrel!
When you first made this thread a couple days ago, I wanted to ask you a question but while I was reading it, I totally forgot what it was! 😂😂😂 Since then I have come up with another that I'd like to ask you about, if you wouldn't mind answering? :)
So, I'm currently plotting out a story that I am yet to begin writing, but the core of the story is this. The protagonist's father is a prolific Lord of a certain area of a small country. He is an inventor, which is part of the reason he was granted the title, but when a plague sweeps the coastal city, he is among those who perish. Leaving his only living son, Oliver Pierson with an entire domain to protect and pretty much rule over. On his father's deathbed, he reveals to his son the final project he ever worked on… But here is the problem! I've only come up with one idea for this mysterious creation (An inter-dimensional portal), and I don't know if I should use that or something else! All I know is that it has to be something big, because Oliver after finding out about it is stalked and nearly murdered on multiple occasions by a strange figure that I won't spoil here…
Any and all help or advice you can give me would be much, much appreciated! I've been stuck in such a rut when it comes to writing this story, and I think that maybe, just maybe if I can get this one thing figured out the rest will come easier.
Most of the plot's conflicts are ideals/reality (A recurring theme, represented by paintings) truth/trust and the terrifying beauty of life's unpredictability (The ocean represents this theme, since the story does take place in a coastal city and Oliver himself is a sailor.)
I really, really hope this isn't too lengthy of an ask? I have a tendency to run my mouth (or keyboard, in this case 😂😂😂) too much. Thank you in advance for reading, and I hope you have a great day.
@Cassiopeia, I think that the portal is a wonderful idea. From what I can tell, I would say that I have two other possible inventions that would highly suffice for the inventor's deathbed telling of, but yours seems to top them, massively.. I believe that something with massive power, a weapon of such, would be something nice. It could have been in development to hurt the enemies of your country? Another idea, my personal favorite, could be a shield. A shield that acts like a protective bubble and remains powerful, I guess.
If you go with the portal idea, which I still really feel intrigued by / into, you could further develop your story with a quest. Maybe Oliver doesn't quite know what to do when something big happens, such as the stalking / near murder, so maybe he goes to the portal in search of answers? That would be pretty cool. But don't let me influence your ideas, these are merely suggestions, that's all.
I truly hope that this helps you out, and of course it isn't too long. This is a forum for writing help, the longer the better. Best wishes for now, feel free to ask anything else.