I have this story focused on eight individuals. I'm trying to decide whether to make these eight individuals the next incarnations of the eight oldest beings in the universe that are the physical representations of the primordial forces that created the multiverse, those individuals' children, or 8 orphans who have the ability to use "the old magic", a form of magic that has only ever been used by the gods and the like because of the complexity of the magic, to its fullest potential. It's the typical nonsense magic that doesn't particularly make sense. The kind that created things like Mjolnir, Posidein's trident, and stuff like that. It is the magic that allows a being to make a sword out of the souls of a hundred innocent virgins, the breath of a dragon, and the cry of a baby. What do you guys think sounds like a more interesting story?
Have you considered you considered having 8 individuals that gain powers either slowly or suddenly with some catalyst like a cosmic event (planets aligning etc.) Because this will give them a 'normal' childhood, then taking that sense of normal alway and give you much greater opportunity to grow them.
Some of them might be orphans or foster kids or have not known until now that they were adopted.
I say this because it might help you have more diversified characters in the sense that because they didn't all have similar childhoods, (like growing up in an orphanage) you run less of a risk of giving them personalities because thanks to their experiences they'll have different worldviews.
Also, though I don't know the plot of your story this could help give movation if some of your characters want to use their abilities for less than selfless reasons. Your characters' parents, or lack of parents, and general circumstances will probably play a hand in how their moral system develops. Or something like that
I like the idea of them being (not the children of, but) descended from the ancient being, with powers that lie dormant until something threatens them. Like, one person could be going out on a date and suddenly a gorgon attacks them and she just zaps it and her date is like "wtf" and she's like "yeah that just happens sometimes. you should see my grandma kill bugs with her laser eyes"
More seriously, it makes sense for them to either be descended from gods or descended from people specifically chosen by gods, with powers that activate when the world is in danger (cringe).
Hahahaha Good, I'm glad you got it figures out, it sounds like you have the makings of a good story really. even that CRinge is good, It means you're self aware and hahaha thats an undervalued commodity for YA authors if you know what I mean. Lol good luck