forum Need a plot- (tropical!!!!) fantasy brainstorm
Started by @kat_i_am

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I have four categories so far:
and psychic
What else could I do??
I want two more please


Consider these two
Dark- which has aspects in all other families of magic, but I feel like the counsel needs to have someone specifically dedicated to this
and non-human but sentient life: so like…. animals. And then mythical creatures


I too have the needy boyfriend which is college
so it hasn't progressed the last few days
I do have my six magic families though
This weekend I hope to get lots of work done on it tho



I COULD make this into a peter pan origin story
It's an island
And Nevari-land could easily become Neverland in the end.


I do have a few problems with it though

1- I decided a week or so ago that I actually wanted to do a female protag, bc I want a strong female cast, and I think the inter-character dynamics would be better with a female protag.
If I did a peter pan retelling, I'd have to have peter be the main character
2- If he becomes a nevari in the end… why would he be human in the future?
3- I don't know if I could make this a stand-alone book if I did it as a Peter Pan origin
4- I already have a peter pan in my queen of hearts novel. I'd have to make sure to clearly distinguish the two universes within my writing.


Problem one could be remedied by doing a gender-bent peter pan. He also could be a different type of Nevari –because honestly, peter pan is a little unnerving as a supposed human. As for the stand-alone thing, you have a point there. If you really want to do a stand-alone, you might want to back out of that idea. I think differentiating the two universes won't be as hard as you think, as long as you make sure the details are very, very different. Plus, peter pan being gender-bent would help distinguish the two.


Yes, but if I do gender-bending, and make him/her into a monster, I'm afraid it would come across as trying too hard?


Yeah it's really up to you. Either way it'll be brilliant and I think you could pull it off, but if you're leaning towards an completely original story instead of an origin story, go for that.