forum I Would Like Some Ideas
Started by @that1_T0ad language

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@that1_T0ad language

I'm working on a science-fiction/realistic fiction type of story and I have a plot set up, but I need to help it move along. My MC has maladaptive daydreaming, and can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. She and her older brother have been placed in foster care after their mother died. The siblings go to a new school and meet new friends. One day, their school explodes, which–long story short–launches the team into a quest to find "The Crystal", which is hidden deep in a cave. The Crystal is an energy source that is said to stop "The Deepening", which is a force that is coming that will destroy every living thing. Eventually, the team realizes that the school teachers are part of a group called the Reformers that wants the Crystal to finish a machine called the Alternator, which will wipe the minds of all humans on the earth. The team, meeting two new groups of enemies (one of them including MC's own father), has to find a way to stop the Reformers from taking over the earth.
This story has a "what would happen if fantasy met reality" kind of theme. This includes "powers" that the children have, which are given to them from robotics and secret, advanced technology inside their body. One can breathe underwater, one has extreme senses, and another has a great sense of navigation, and so on. Another theme I had was a "there is no good guy" kind of story, where there are no groups of good guys to help the teens. I have a couple things I would like suggestions for.
One, what could happen inside the cave? This is a well-protected area, but I can't think of anything that wouldn't make that part of the story boring.
Two, what can the Reformer's reason be for mind wiping the human race without being too fantasy-like or cliché (such as a thirst for power)?
Three, writing about the powers has become challenging, as it is hard to make them not found supernatural. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do that?
Finally, if you all have any suggestions whatsoever for the plot line, please feel free to say so!

@Royal_Mapping group

Just a thought…

Maybe the Reformers want to wipe the minds of the human race because they think that by 'restarting' the human race they can eliminate all pain and suffering because once the minds are wiped they can reteach everyone to act in ways that will make sure they don't harm each other. You could have the head of the Reformers have a tragic past or something. To avoid it becoming cliche you could blur the lines between good and evil and have the protagonists question their loyalties when they find out more about the Reformers.


Judging by your description, I wouldn't really say that there are no good guys in your story. Obviously, each group has a different motive, but most people will see that the ones trying to save the universe are the quintessential "good guys." If you really wanted a story where there were no good guys, then you would need to make every option unpleasant. Make it so they have a goal, but they don't know where else to go from there. Your characters may prevent the Deepening from happening, but they also would much rather kill the Reformers or destroy the Crystal so that no one could use it for good OR evil.

@that1_T0ad language

@Puddleglum - Thank you for the idea, that's a great one to go off of.

Yamatsu - I do plan for the team of friends to be the good guys, but thank you for your input!