forum Help!
Started by @song-of-the-fairy

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Sorry I literally took over a month to respond but I have the end and no middle at all. It's a fantasy where two regions are at war. In one region there are fairies and the other has elves. Witches and werewolves live in either. I switch perspective a lot so that's not a problem, but I have no idea what to do for the middle. I have the first 20 pages and a ending. I really have no more ideas so… help! If you guys need more information to properly help… I can probably provide it.


Don't be sorry :)
Well, why are these regions fighting? How does this turn out? One thing is there could be a outside force that is egging this all on because they are benefiting from the conflict.


The regions are fighting because… well this might take a while, here we go… The King and Queen of the Fairy Kingdom had two daughters, the youngest has the power to read mind and other mental powers of the sort, she discovered these powers when she accidentally saw her mother was planning to murder the King. She told her older sister and the older sister told the younger to go to her room and stay their. The younger didn't listen (because PLOT) and sees her sister murder the Queen. She screamed, attracting the guards, and the King sentenced the older daughter to death. The younger played dumb. The King believes that an elf invaded his daughter's mind and burns down the elf's home. In the end, the Fairy Princess teams up with the other side to stop her father from continuing to instigate the war. I believe neither side wins, but the King dies, so the Princess inherits the throne and ends the war. I do kind of like the idea of someone egging on the war… but I'm not sure exactly how to go about that. (I know that whole story is a bit bad at the moment, I'm still filling in plot holes and such)


I don't know if this is helpful or not, but there is a side-quest (the characters from said side-quest do join with the Princess in a few chapters or something) where three characters have to find a werewolf village. The werewolves stayed out of the war and hid out. I plan for them to search in a group of two and the other on their own. The one all by themselves is the one who finds the werewolf village (and was the reason they needed to find it). The other two never find the village.


One of the fairies that attack one of the characters with a poison that can only be cured by a wolf-bite. It's kind of just because, first I needed a way to to get the other two character to meet the Princess because the war doesn't end without them, and the other one (who was attacked and finds the village) is the son of the chief of the werewolf village (that's more a part of his backstory, also why he was attacked in the first place). (I'm really bad at developing plot as you can probably tell)


I feel like every line should be worthwhile, and I kind of want the story to be a bit longer. I feel like it's more fun to get to know a character better before anyone dies or goes to battle, stuff like that. I just kind of need a few side plots and obstacles (which I've realized is the actual problem during this conversation, so thanks! :D)


If you want the Older sister to be a sympathetic death/character you could take a chapter or two to flesh out her personality while in prison, maybe have the younger sister fight to get her out of jail? (Just things that build relationship and contribute to the readers sadness when she dies)