Basically, the story revolves around a specific family in this imaginary eastern US town named Fleuve. The town is a magnet for non-human activity, both in the form of aliens and supernatural creatures, since there is a safe-haven for these guys less than three miles from the actual town, and the entire family is familiar with all of it, since three of them are non-human.
There is a specific kind of alien I have that is meant to be an overlying threat, but not particularly large in numbers in this galaxy, since they're treated as an infestation when found. This particular species, called the Ofhurst, have evolved to cause fear, and feed off both the pheromones associated with fear, and the energy produced when a creature is afraid. They come with a specific set of abilities that you see with this kind of hunter (shapeshifting, possession, ability to read minds), but the catch is that they need to latch onto things to be able to do any of it. If shapeshifting, they need to have latched onto that thing they're turning into previously, and for long enough to have memorized its appearance entirely.
If they want to possess anything/read a mind, they have to remain latched onto the thing/creature for at least a day. Once they've done it to a specific item, it becomes easier with each time.
Because of this, they need to be killed/imprisoned before they gain momentum (multiple forms/informant hosts), as each feeding makes their base form larger, and additionally capable of doing all these things faster.
The idea is that for the first arc, an infestation has begun, but humans are unaware of everything, because yeah, we're oblivious. The non-human community is somewhat aware that something is going on, and is in a tizzy, so all of the councils of the different non-human species are meeting up to discuss the issue and point fingers.
Of course, some humans know something weird is happening, and are starting to connect the dots, because they can think outside the box.
So some humans/non-humans band together to investigate, which of course, pisses off the various councils, since they're acting when there's no idea what's truly causing everything, and they could possibly make things worse.
Can I get some feedback? Does it at least sound intriguing, or is there something I could do better?
Any suggestions for how I could tie some things together?