Hey guys, I'm incredibly bored and always seem to want to make a new roleplay because I don't have all that many but I never have any ideas. I'll get like, part of an idea, but then I'm like "No, that'll die" or "No one would be interested in this".
For example, I typically portray angel society (I have a couple angel characters) as a dystopian society. Super strict, children are raised up to battle from a young age, lots of angels get kicked out if they do anything wrong, etc. I thought it would be interesting to have my character Nathaniel (who is an angel who crippled his wings and is banished for it) and another person's angel character play out a story in this dystopian setting. However, Nathaniel cripples his wings when he is eight years old, which means that in order to have a longer lasting roleplay in that setting, he would have to be even younger. I'm fine with roleplaying a child, but I feel like other people wouldn't be as interested?? Idk man I'm just struggling
Anything helps, to be honest. Critique on my idea is fine, ignoring my idea and offering other prompts is fine, do whatever. I just need some help
I have pretty much the same problem; I come up with a ton of ideas, but I think that nobody would be interested in it or that it wouldn't work for various reasons. For instance: I had an idea where there is this superior race of superhumans called Titans, and they fight each other while humans mind their own business. Then someone would have to play as the Titans, and I wanted it to be focused on the humans in the shadows as they try to get something important to them that one particular Titan has. I wouldn't want other people to have their own Titans, because it was supposed to be about humans and not Titans, but at the same time, I didn't think others would join if I was the only one with control over where the Titans showed up.
In your story about Nathaniel, would it be okay if you just altered his character for the roleplay and have his wings get crippled at an older age? Or maybe the fallen angels band together to form factions outside of the super-strict angelic society.
On a different website I go on, the roleplay forums used to be active, but over time, as more writers left or had to deal with real-life problems, the roleplay thread slowed down. Nowadays, any roleplay there only attracts one or two people who join, which results in roleplays that don't last the week. Due to sudden popularity, newbies who don't know about the unofficial rules and traditions of the website, and some of the older users roleplay only to have a less experienced user come into the story and do something that's insensible.
The entire reason I brought it up is that the site's roleplay thread fell because there weren't many interesting ideas that people liked. There were just roleplays that quickly got tiring. Only the roleplays with good twists and mostly fast pacing lasted for a while. Just some tips to try to help with the roleplays.
Yeah, I've had a few roleplays die because my partner got busy and just kinda forgot about them aha
It's really frustrating qwq
With Nathaniel's thing, it's kind of a big part of his story and I don't usually change it, especially since other important events surround it, and those events kinda shaped who Nathaniel is, if that makes sense? Like, he wouldn't have the same personality if he hadn't had to live alone as an outsider on the streets of earth since he was at such a young age and had to take care of himself. If he were older, that wouldn't have been as much of a struggle for him.
I probably won't end up doing that idea anyways, but it's just a thought ^^
Do you happen to know of any good places to find prompts?
I usually get inspiration from pop media. For example, on said other website, I posted an idea where personality traits were personified. This was based on Pixar's Inside Out, where it's the same except with feelings. It ended up attracting more than five people, which, at that time, was huge due to the lack of people on the roleplay forums. I also had an idea for a story that came from the Hunger Games. In this version, there's a Hunger Games-like scenario where super-powered people are sent out into the wilderness to find ancient artifacts in a dystopian setting.