forum NaNoWriMo Word Counts!!!
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

people_alt 75 followers

@larcenistarsonist group

You should be really proud of yourself!! :D

I'm at 20944/35000, but I think that I'm increasing my deadline to New Year's and making my goal 50000.

@larcenistarsonist group

I've given up! :DD
I still have 6 hours left, but I've reached 21000 and that seems pretty good to me. It's already longer than anything I had ever worked on and I'm pretty proud of that! :DD

@furetakunai ac_unit

Ay! That's awesome, 21k words is definitely a lot and something to be proud of. And if you choose to participate next year, you'll have a record you can strive to beat! Brilliant work!


damn Rels!

how do you write so fast?? or do you just have a ton of freetime??

I type quickly and once I'm in the zone I can just power through stuff. There was also like a shopping spree that happened and the descriptions that went on during that made for a good chunk of it. I don't have losts of free time I just pretend I do, let's just say I am very behind on homework this week.


I'm at about 2000 words and currently dealing with my laptop battery deciding that right now would be the best time to just stop charging :))
At least I can still use google docs on my phone with a bluetooth keyboard lol