@thecasual_hooman drive_eta
2 years ago:
Spoiler - click to show.
¨Puppet!!¨ Todd says walking into her room ¨puppet you here??¨ he stands at her closet door and shakes his head ¨puppet you can't hide forever, our guests want to see you¨ Todd listens hearing Puppet's hand slice on the wall, and Puppet steps out of the closet ¨what if they think I'm a freak?¨ Puppet asks to slide on her mask, Todd sighs ¨they will love you puppet don't worry¨ puppet stands up fully her head scraping the roof standing a shocking 10 feet tall Todd looks up at her ¨yeah, they are going to love you my darling puppet¨ Puppet then nods and looks at the body in the mirror ¨ I think you made me a little too skinny¨ she says touching her torso Todd pauses for a moment thinking ¨no, it works for you puppet¨, Todd says looking at her ¨ I know, but Nightmarionette had more weight!!!¨ Puppet says now pointing at her torso, Todd sighs and walks out of the room ¨come on Puppet time to shine¨ Puppet follows closely behind him and they walk out into the living room and the guests all stare in total shock and fear. someone shrieks another takes out his phone and calls someone, and a few people start to cry, Puppet reaches down and pulls a small weeping child from the floor and hummus to it her voice as soft as a lullaby and it's like someone pressed the pause button because everything freezes and the child stops weeping someone looks at Puppet the Todd ¨how much for her? She is amazing!¨ all of a sudden there is a fight over who will own Puppet Finally, someone stands up and says in a clear tone, ¨ I would buy her for 29,900$¨ and everyone goes silent and Puppet looks up at him her tearlike-stripes turn pink and she then notices what is happening and she freezes still holding the child and she stands up straighter reaching her full height and walks over to him, ¨what's your name?¨ she asks the man in a calm tone he stands up straiter ¨Chris Affron¨ Puppet then nods and holds out her hand for the money then hands it to Todd whom nods at her and takes the now sleeping child and watches a Chris takes Puppet away with sad and happy eyes once the door is closed and Chris is long gone he turns to the others and simply says ¨Puppet is going to eat him alive¨ then walks away leaving the others in pure terror
At Chrises house:
¨Puppet, how well are you at keeping kids safe?¨ Chris asks as if he cares but clearly doesn´t, Puppet then sighs hunger starting to overwhelm her ¨im good as long as I eat something..? ¨ Puppet responds back quietly Chris pauses a little shocked, and says ¨you need to eat? what do you eat?¨ Puppet stares at him and responds ¨i do not know I have never felt hunger before this is new to me¨ Chris shrugs and yawns well I'm going to bed find yourself something if you would like¨ Puppet nods and watches Chris walk into his room then looks at the kitchen and some of instinct kicks in and she all of a sudden only wants to hunt she walks over to the window and slides it open then walks into the yard looking for something but she here's a nearby kid screaming at his mom then the kid slams the door and stomps away Puppet watches this in hunger and walks over to the woods luring the kid by a lullaby once the kid was in her reach Puppet had taken him and left his outfit covered in blood on the back porch
At Chrises house:
¨Puppet, how well are you at keeping kids safe?¨ Chris asks as if he cares but clearly doesn´t, Puppet then sighs hunger starting to overwhelm her ¨im good as long as I eat something..? ¨ Puppet responds back quietly Chris pauses a little shocked, and says ¨you need to eat? what do you eat?¨ Puppet stares at him and responds ¨i do not know I have never felt hunger before this is new to me¨ Chris shrugs and yawns well I'm going to bed find yourself something if you would like¨ Puppet nods and watches Chris walk into his room then looks at the kitchen and some of instinct kicks in and she all of a sudden only wants to hunt she walks over to the window and slides it open then walks into the yard looking for something but she here's a nearby kid screaming at his mom then the kid slams the door and stomps away Puppet watches this in hunger and walks over to the woods luring the kid by a lullaby once the kid was in her reach Puppet had taken him and left his outfit covered in blood on the back porch