forum Touch therapy
Started by @Adam_gets_railed_by_men

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@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

“Alright!” Raf slipped out of bed, stretching his leg and arms. He hadn’t stretched in a while and his muscles felt like jello. His chest was still sore, but he was doing better. Raf bounded into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets for cough drops. He found a small baggie and waddled back to the bedroom. He fished a cough drop out of the bag and gave it to Eyros. “Here. Try this.”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Raf huffed. This werewolf had tons of energy after being stuck in a hospital bed for hours. "Fine— we can lay around, but I might go stretch my legs. I feel like I've been stuffed in a box, don't you?" He was basically bouncing up and down.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Raf followed Eyros outside, taking in the fresh air. He then shifted and ran across the felid at wind breaking speeds. One lap after another after another after another— you get it. It was like when a puppy got the zoomies and they booked it throughout the house, making a mess.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Raf started whining. He slipped out from under Eyros, letting the boy fall gently. He shifted back, picking up the large hound and carrying him back to the dorm. He laid him in bed, stroking him gently. “What’s wrong, Eyros? Why is your body failing you?”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Raf physically screamed. He started to panic. Who do I call? Who do I go to? The medical wing? Maybe.. that sounds like a great option.” He opened Eyros’ mouth slightly, only to see blood guzzle up. “Shit! Alright, come on! You and I are going to get help.” The calm approach was mainly for Raf’s sake.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Raf scooped up Eyros, the wolf being a bit too heavy for him. He cradled Eyros’ head so he wouldn’t choke on his own blood. Raf slowly exited the dorm room, checking the halls carefully before proceeding to the medical wing. “It’ll be okay, Eyros. I promise you. I won’t let anything happen to you, sweetheart.”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(The image in my head is just a tiny friend running around while a boy is holding a giant wolf)

Raf cradled Eyros, watching this whole fiasco. “Well— that can’t be good. I thought you knock on the wood, Eyros!” He sighed, trying be lighthearted for his anxiety. Raf’s entire body was shaking as he made his way into the medical wing. He started to doubt they could do anything for Eyros. After all, a lot of blood was dripping from his throat.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Raf looked down at Eyros and started to whine. Little tears started to drip onto the wolf’s fur. “You can’t die bitch! You’re not allowed to die!” The werewolf started to curse up a storm. He gently placed Eyros down on the ground, tears coming faster. “You can’t leave me here alone!” Raf didn’t know what to do. His entire body was shaking roughly as he started to preform CPR on the dying wolf. “I thought you couldn’t die!” He relized CPR would be pointless. The blood blocked everything. Raf opened Eyros’ mouth to see what could have torn. Possibly to see what was killing his mate. “If you’re going— then I’m going too.”