Emotins - ability to control a vast range of emotions.
Teletins - ability to control the minds of the people
Biologitins - ability to manipulate the bodies of self/others
Nattins - the ability to control the natural elements
Ethers - ability to control dark and unnatural sources
Emotins - classified by yellow bands and masks
Hatu Emotin - ability to control and manipulate all emotions in large/small vicinity
Raseric Emotin - ability to control anger and rage
Confia Emotin - ability to manipulate trust
Legria Emotin - ability to manipulate joy
Medesto Emotin - ability to manipulate fear
Tezeda Emotin - ability to manipulate sadness
Teletins - classified by blue bands and masks
Dowser Teletin- ability to locate objects/people
Memoria Teletin - ability to manipulate one’s memories
Sonni Teletin - ability to enter one’s dreams/astral projection
Telepathy Teletin - ability to read others minds
Hallusa Teletin - ability to possess another’s body/mind
Lusio Teletin - ability to create mental illusions
Biologitins- classified by red bands and masks
Umr Biologitin - Ability to manipulate necrosis in beings or plants
Kaderi Biologitin - Ability to manipulate and regrow body parts/extra parts
Senmor Biologitin - Ability to regenerate cell growth (immortality)
Enfirme Biologitin - Ability to manipulate diseases in people
Karvan Biologitin - Ability to shed body and create a new one
Kozan Biologitin - Ability to change structure of body/skin (shapeshift/human onlu)
Nattins - classified by green bands and masks
Vatten Nattin - Ability to control water
Aero Nattin - Ability to control air
Tero Nattin - Ability to control earth
Plantaise Nattin - Ability to control plants
Firio Nattin - Ability to control fire
Havan Nattin - Ability to to control weather
Ethers - classified by purple wristbands/collars
Magic Manipulation - ability to control forces outside of the natural world
Dark Manipulation - ability to control ‘night’
Time Manipulation - ability to control time to a degree
There are five groups of Toxics, and of them, four have 6 subgroups that each Toxic falls into, and the fifth has only three. Nattins are the most common type of Toxic, and Ethers are the most rare. Within each group, there is one that is more powerful than the other five subgroups. Havan Nattin, Hatu Emotin, Umr Biologitin and Hallusa Teletin are the most rare out of their respective groups.
There are certain Toxics that are allowed to work in government (these Toxics are given white bands/collars) such as: Confia & Medesto Emotins, Dowser & Telepathy Teletins and Karvan Biologitins. These Toxics have much more freedom than others and are regarded by some Toxics as traitors.