forum How to write a spell book
Started by @Purple-Cat flagThe Worldbuilder

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@Purple-Cat flagThe Worldbuilder

I’m having a lot of trouble writing my own spell book, I already have names for the spells but don’t know how I would describe how to do them. I’ve tried looking up how to do it but all it’s comes up with are spell books from modern Witchery and Wicca like a book of shadows kind of thing, but anyway none of these things are what I’m looking for, anyone have any suggestions?


Have you tried writing descriptions of what the spells do? Depending on how magic works in your story it might be hard to write how to do them. If your magic is willing the spell to happen, mixing a potion together, or having to say an incantation, it would change how each spell is cast.


Yeah I can't take modern wicca seriously most of the time everyone of my friends that practiced that buffeted other religions ideas and stuffed them into a book. I guess when you think from one pov on it buffet of ideas can be life changing and can be good even a mind opener but from a strictly ritualistic and sense making pov there is no real structure to it. At least from the people I've been around. Even if you go online and look around everyone has their own way of doing things too and no one person follows what the other does. Even Gods may be made up and different. One friend made up her own God…. I don't understand that, but she said something like if you believe in it, it becomes real. Your positive energy and belief is the magic that breathes life? Or something like that. Sounds delusional to me, but hey I'm not here to judge. Anyway those books can have something good you have to look for it though. In my search, I'm trying to find occult imagery and went to the oldest source I could think of. Crowley but just to get an idea for how to create my own. With him you have to be well and I mean WELL steeped into all and every religion on this planet even Christianity. His magic system incorporates all religions into one fold. A lot of stuff is based off of rites from all religions. Point aside most people go nuts or pull their hair out reading his stuff because for most people we are either not intelligent enough to get it or he has some kind of way to understand we are not seeing. If any "magic" religion in our real world got its start, its there.
If you look at these books most of them just give you a starting platform to make your own. Why? Because there is no one book fits all book of shadows, or spell book. Everyone who has made one will likely not share it or sell it. Its considered to be a personal and precious thing. I've never even seen my friends "books" they would talk about their religions a lot and their books but not share them. This is either because of what I said above or my particular brand of friends growing up were full of sh88. I'm opting for the latter since must of them ended up on drugs and not what you would want to grow up as… And also on top of that none of them are even remotely ambitious to put the work into making one or reading up on religion.

If you look at the origin stuff it not only explains everything but even the symbols the rituals, and has diagrams, artwork if you will. If you want to put it this way that is the spell book. Before I give you this link I need to let you know I am not responsible for how you use the information. Meaning: If you are of another faith like Christianity and don't feel spiritually safe reading stuff of this nature… Don't!!! Skip it! HE was a self-proclaimed anti-Christ. If you feel you are strong enough and find yourself set in your faith and willing to explore other ideas than I would tread carefully. Unless you are setting out to switch faiths extreme caution must be exercised. Also if you are underage I can't be held responsible if your parents get mad at you for reading this. After all if you are living with them it is their house and their rules, you must respect their decision since they are only trying to raise you the best way they know how. If you feel this is something you have to hide from them, I wouldn't bring it into the house. Its better to obey than to cause strife and resentments.
Complete Works:
Not Complete but has most of what is core:
What I am looking at for runes and symbology:


btw: If I figure out a good formula for how I'm writing mine since I'm working on my magic system in more depth. I'll pass along my ideas.

@featheredone group

If it's hand symbols, you could come up with names for each of the hand symbols, and have a basic guide to them at the front, then just list them in order for each of the spells. If it's a chant, make up some key words- just make sure they're consistent from spell to spell- and have a separate list translating them. You could base the words off of existing words in other languages. If it's manipulating energy in yourself, describe how it feels. For example, you could say something like:
Picture the globe of energy inside you, at the core of your being. Now compress it, while keeping your breathing even. Think of putting it an small box, and then locking the box. And so on.


You need a standard template like this example I just pulled out my *ss:
(Background of spell)
The levitation spell was conceived by Pirate Whatshisname looking to move his haul faster onto his -vehicle of choice-
(Effect of spell)
The levitation spell is used to move objects through the air
(Use of spell)
Make an "O" shape with your wand and pronounce the spell: WinGARdium LeviOsa
(Potential Danger)
Mispronounciation could get you end up with a buffalo on your chest. Also watch where you are going.

Some tabs could be added or removed per spell, consider adding illustrations. use your imagination. Think about surroundings needed (never do incantations in a room with a mirror) Do you need an item? (write it on a piece of paper and hand it to your target) How many people/days/targets/items/potions needed? need for magic circles? (Full Metal Alchimist) etcetera.