forum How to mix spirit animals and magic?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

So for my world, I want it to involve spirit animals and magic, but I don't know how I would do that.

Deleted user

I guess that most people have spirit animals, but some come with magic??

@Purple-Cat flagThe Worldbuilder

I have spirit animals in my story but I don’t know if I’m useering them right can someone explain exactly what spirit animals are?

Deleted user

I think Spirit Animals are like representations of your soul and they're like guides? That's the best I can explain that.

@featheredone group

So you could do something where basically some people have a close enough relationship to their spirit animal so that they can use some of the spirit animal's power, or you could do where like spirit animals are manifestations of your own soul, and some of them are strongly connected enough- say if your personality was very strong or you just really embodied that type of animal very closely- that you could use their full power. It depends on what type of magic you're looking to use, though.

Deleted user

I mean its a good idea, and like its kind of in the direction I want to go not really, like maybe people can draw power from their spirit animals, but at the same time have their own?

@featheredone group

So if spirit animals are guides basically like you said, you can draw from that soul's power, but at the same time, people who can do that can also draw from their own soul's energy. Like that?

Deleted user

I mean, the spirit animal helps enhance your powers as if make them stronger, but at the same time, like examples, the person has a fox and the person has the powers of illusion and to manipulate fears. Something like this probably.

@featheredone group

So it's something almost like a soul bond between them, and the person is the dominant one? (Because it's their body, and otherwise their roles would be reversed)

Deleted user

I mean maybe they can have their own bodies, but have a spiritual connection.

@featheredone group

Or does it go just one way? Also, does the spirit animal have a body of it's own? Because if that's the case, they could meet up or something.

@featheredone group

One more thing: is this bond-thing an ability you're born with, like twins from different races almost, or does it have to develop? That effects how it works. Of course, I'm also just curious. ;)

Deleted user

Oh ok, well most of my ideas as kind of based off it. Basically, in the book, you have this ceremony where you drink this liquid called Nector and it summons your spirit animal, if you have one. Your spirit animal could reject you however. So like if you had a wolf and you were a normal human, the wolf could enhance your senses.

So where I'm going is that, normal humans get their spirit animals right? But then I want a group of teenagers, they have special powers, when most don't, and then they get these rare, powerful spirit animals.

My problem is that I don't know how I would summon the spirit animals and how the spirit animals would cooperate with the powers and such.

@featheredone group

Ok. So to summon them, you could have a special amulet they have to get, or some type of similar ritual. Just don't copy the part where they drink something to summon it. Maybe, for these special teens, they have to manifest their powers in a certain way to summon their spirit animals, since their spirit animals are special. Unfortunately, I'm not much of an expert on ways to summon- my specialty is elemental magic- but I'll let you know if I get any additional ideas.