@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin
I'm working on some AI code that I hope will be able to generate random abilities with strengths/weaknesses. They've been fun to look through and think about writing a story or two with people that have some of these abilities, but since it's all just test output from the code otherwise going to waste I figured I'd paste them below. Feel free to take any of them and adopt them into your own stories (or just read along and chuckle at how absurd some of them are)!
Ability: Telekinesis
Strength: You have the ability to move objects with your mind.
Weakness: You are unable to move anything that you are not touching.
Ability: Touch of the Divine
Strength: You can heal the wounds of others with a touch.
Weakness: You are unable to heal yourself.
Ability: Shapeshifting
Strength: You can transform into any animal you can think of.
Weakness: You are limited to animals that exist in real life.
Ability: Shapeshifting
Strength: You can change your physical form to that of any animal you have seen before.
Weakness: You cannot change back to your original form.
Ability: Psychic Projection
Strength: You can project your mind into the mind of another person.
Weakness: You are unable to control your physical body while projecting your mind.
Ability: Self-Resurrection
Strength: You can bring yourself back to life after dying.
Weakness: You cannot be brought back to life by anyone else.
Ability: Photokinesis
Strength: You have the ability to control light and bend it to your will.
Weakness: Your body is in a constant state of luminescence.
Ability: Flight
Strength: You can fly.
Weakness: You can only fly for a maximum of five minutes before you need to rest for an hour.
Ability: Super-Speed
Strength: You can move at superhuman speeds.
Weakness: You can only move in a straight line.
Ability: Flight
Strength: You can fly by manipulating the air around you.
Weakness: You can only fly for as long as you can hold your breath.
Ability: Phasing
Strength: You can pass through solid objects.
Weakness: You can only pass through solid objects that are smaller than you.
Ability: Telekinesis
Strength: You have the ability to move objects with your mind.
Weakness: You are unable to move anything that you are not touching.
Ability: Pyrokinesis
Strength: You have the ability to raise the temperature of objects with your mind.
Weakness: Any time you make objects hotter, you absorb the temperature differential by decreasing your own body heat by the same amount.
Ability: Psychic Intuition
Strength: You can detect and sense any psychic phenomenon within range of your mind.
Weakness: You become oblivious to anything else happening around you.
Ability: Rapid Healing
Strength: You heal quickly from injuries.
Weakness: You also heal quickly from diseases, but you are vulnerable to catching new ones.
Ability: Hair Manipulation
Strength: You can control the shape, length, thickness and texture of your hair at will.
Ability: Flight
Strength: You can fly by running in midair.
Weakness: You are incapable of running or standing still on the ground.
Ability: Sleep Inducement
Strength: You can induce sleep in others with your mind.
Weakness: You are unable to fall asleep under any circumstances.
Ability: Natural Invisibility
Strength: You can't be seen by anything except infrared cameras and other people with this ability.
Weakness: Anything you touch becomes visible.
Ability: Combat Precognition
Strength: You have the ability to predict an opponent's next move.
Weakness: The predictions are often generic and only work in a fight against an opponent using similar moves.
Ability: Super Flexibility
Strength: Your muscles are so limber that you are capable of feats of contortion that others could only dream of.
Weakness: Your body can't take the strain of being bent out of shape and is more susceptible to breaking.
Ability: Vitality Burst
Strength: You can absorb and convert the kinetic energy of nearby impacts into energy that fuels your own abilities.
Ability: Precognition
Strength: You have the ability to see glimpses of events that have either happened, are happening or might happen in the future.
Weakness: The greater the distance in time from the present, the more blurry your visions become.
Ability: Juxta-Corporeality
Strength: A special bond with another being makes your quasi-physical body appear in visual and tactile hallucinations to them on demand.
Ability: Prey Instinct
Strength: You have the ability to perceive your surroundings though the vision of your prey.
Weakness: Your perception is cloudy while you are in human form.
Ability: Energy Drain
Strength: You can absorb energy by touch and convert it to other forms or expel it out with force: even the energy of light or physical vibrations will work.
Weakness: Your touch can drain energy from living things too.